Chapter Four
“You scared us to death,young lady,” her mother declared the moment the door flew open, and then blue eyes much like her own shifted left. For the first time Veronica could recall, Marsha Hamilton was struck speechless.
“Let her in, Marsha,” Daddy said, opening the door wider. Bushy gray brows shot up and a smile curved his lips. “Howdy, stranger. We didn’t know Veronica was bringing a friend.”
“I hope you don’t mind,” Cam said, handing over the bottle of wine he’d insisted they stop and buy. If he was going to crash a party, he’d not do so empty-handed. Veronica had rolled her eyes when he’d picked the one-hundred-and-fifty-dollar bottle. Her assurances that the twenty-dollar bottle would be fine had gone ignored.
“We don’t mind at all.” Daddy took the wine, examined the label, then glanced by them to the BMW in the driveway. The smile broadened. “We’re happy to have you, young man. Come on in.”
He had to hip Mama out of the way to let them in as she continued to stare, mouth gaping inelegantly.
“This is Cameron Rhodes,” Veronica said as she unbuttoned her coat.
“Yes, it is,” Mama said in a hushed tone as if she were in the presence of royalty. “Nice to meet you, Cameron.” She extended a hand, palm down, and Cam did the last thing Veronica expected. He kissed her mother’s knuckles.
Who did that?
“Nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Hamilton.”
They’d exchanged a few more details on the way over, including the family name, Emma and Nick’s occupations (dental hygienist and mortgage specialist respectively), and Veronica’s age. She was three years older than Ash, which he’d teased her about from time to time, but Cam was two years ahead of her. Slight as the difference was, she liked the idea of dating an older man.
Or pretending to.
“Come in and meet the rest of the family.” Daddy let Cam and Mama lead the way. “Is that a 6 Series Gran Turismo?” he whispered in Veronica’s ear.
“Maybe?” she whispered back. She had no clue about cars. Whatever Cam drove, it was expensive. That was the extent of her knowledge.
With a gentle shoulder nudge, he said, “You’ve finally brought home a winner.”
Veronica stopped, stunned by the statement, and watched her father catch up to the pair in front of them before all three disappeared into the living room.
What the heck? Finally brought home a winner? Had he forgotten about his favorite son-in-law? Daddy rarely had time with Ash, but only because Mama monopolized his visits. Or maybe that wasn’t the reason after all. Did Daddy really not like Ash?
“Hey, sis,” Emma said, coming from the hall to the bedrooms. “About time you got here. Mama was practically planning your funeral this morning.”
“Do you like Ash?” Veronica asked, ignoring the funeral comment.
Emma shrugged. “He’s okay. If you like that type.”
“What type?”
“I don’t know. Nice guys?”
“What’s wrong with nice guys?”
“There’s nothing wrong with them. Maybe safe is a better word. Or harmless.” She nodded. “Yeah, harmless. Ash is super harmless.”
“Dude,” Olivia said, hurrying into the foyer, “you’ve been holding out on us. Cameron-freaking-Rhodes? Are you serious right now?”
“What about Cameron Rhodes?” Emma asked.
“He’s in our living room,” her sister replied, spastically waving a hand toward the doorway behind her. “He’s Veronica’s date.”
Emma shoved Veronica hard in the shoulder. “You’re dating Cameron Rhodes?”
Lying to her sisters felt extremely disloyal, but maintaining this hoax would be easier if everyone remained in the dark.
“We haven’t been dating for long,” she answered, rubbing her shoulder. “We met right before Thanksgiving.”