Mia dropped onto her bottom, grateful Conner’s bed was close enough to catch her. “All of you?”
With a half shrug, she said, “I knew because of Henri, and Roxie knew because of Alex.” Alex Fielding was the island doctor, Mia’s close friend, and Roxie Chandler’s boyfriend. “Roxie told Beth, who told Sid, who told Will.” After a weighted pause, she added, “Lauren knew because of Nick, but since you’re going to be family soon that only makes sense.”
Was there anyone who didn’t know?
Joining her on the bed, Callie rested a hand on Mia’s arm. “That’s it, I swear. We would never dream of telling anyone outside of our circle. And Henri even swore me to secrecy. I was as surprised as you are when I found out the others already knew.”
Mia felt like a fool. She’d spent years keeping these women at a distance despite their generous efforts to welcome her into their group. All because she hadn’t trusted them to keep her secret, while they’d been doing just that.
“All this time…” she muttered.
“None of us meant any harm. We were just waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to tell us yourself.” Baby Roxanne squirmed and Callie soothed her back to sleep. Lowering her voice, she said, “I hope you know that we all like you for who you are. Who you love doesn’t change that.”
Tears sprang to Mia’s eyes as one thought echoed through her mind. I wish Grandma felt that way.
“Don’t cry,” Callie said, swiping a thumb across Mia’s cheek. “We would never do anything to hurt you.”
She shook her head. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you sooner.”
“Nonsense. Sharing something so personal isn’t an easy thing to do.” Tucking the baby tight against her side, she leaned forward and gave Mia a hug. “You’re safe with us. Always know that.”
Careful not to squish the little one, she accepted the embrace, and a weight lifted from her shoulders. Safe. A simple word that meant so much. With her chin resting on Callie’s shoulder, Mia exhaled and opened her eyes to find they were no longer alone.
“Am I interrupting something?” drawled Henri from the bedroom doorway.
Callie leapt to her feet and ran to her cousin, startling Roxanne, who wailed with displeasure. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” she said, wrapping an arm around Henri’s neck.
Blue eyes locked with Mia’s as she said, “I thought I’d surprise you.” Brow arched, she added, “I guess I should have called.”
Surely she didn’t think…
“I’m so happy to see you I could cry.” Callie shook her head as Roxanne continued her protests, which triggered her sister down the hall to join in. “Oh, goodness. Now they’re both up.” Turning to Mia, she said, “It’s time for a break. Let’s all go downstairs and catch up.” Without warning, she slid Roxanne into Henri’s arms. “You two go while I change Rachel’s diaper, then we’ll be right down.”
A second later the mother was gone, leaving Mia standing beside the small twin bed, paintbrush in hand. “Hi,” she said, unable to form a more intelligent sentence with Henri looking as beautiful as ever in the doorway. Her blond hair was cropped short above her collar, and even without a touch of makeup, her skin was flawless. The black turtleneck hugged her body beneath the maroon leather jacket.
Instead of returning the greeting, Henri said, “Do you know how to make this kid stop screaming?”
Tension broken, Mia plopped the paintbrush into a cup of water and circled the bed. A moment later, Roxanne was propped against her shoulder, softly murmuring as Mia patted her bottom in a steady rhythm.
Brows arched, Henri smiled and Mia’s brain misfired. “You’re good at that,” she murmured.
“I help out at the daycare now and then.”
“Then you’ve had more practice than I have.”
Wanting to reassure her, Mia said, “Once you’re around them for a while, you’ll get the hang of it.” This brought a question to mind. “How long do you plan to stay?”
Running the back of her finger down the baby’s soft head, Henri said, “Through New Year’s Eve.”
“Only two weeks?”
Eyes narrowed, she tilted her head. “I can’t tell if you think that’s too long or not long enough.”
Heat crawled up Mia’s cheeks. “You haven’t been back for six months,” she said, her eyes dropping to the floor. “Callie would probably like for you to stay longer.”
“Would she?”
Meeting the woman’s gaze, Mia nodded. “I’m sure she would.”