Page 82 of Silk Shadow

"She was at a shareholder meeting this afternoon," Viper pointed out. "If they were watching the apartment, they could've seen us leave."

"Fuck, Viper. We have to catch these maniacs. This is getting dangerous."

Like it wasn’t before.

Viper told him what Jackson Ferris had said about the two men captured in Mexico.

"I'll get onto my FBI contact and get him to go down there,” Pat said, grimly. “Before the bastards go free.”

As they entered the apartment, Viper couldn’t relax. The grocery bags on the counter were a stark reminder of how quickly a mundane moment could turn deadly.

Izzy was sitting on the sofa, legs folded beneath her, sipping coffee. She looked up as they entered, her eyes flickering over Viper to rest on her uncle. "Pat, you didn't need to come."

"I wanted to check if you were okay."

She smiled. “I’m fine, just a little shaken up.”

"Would you like some coffee, sir?" Viper asked.

"A cup would be great, thanks, Viper." Pat sat down in an armchair opposite Izzy. "The main thing is you're all right."

Viper poured the coffee and handed Pat a cup, then he sat down on the sofa beside Izzy.

"I'll get onto the authorities in Mexico City first thing tomorrow. If necessary, I'll fly out there myself and find out what's going on," Pat growled.

"I'm sorry to cause all this trouble," Izzy said.

"It's not your fault,” Viper said automatically, then bit his tongue. Shit, he mustn’t let on how well he knew Izzy. How familiar they were.

Pat nodded. "Viper’s right. This has got to do with the mine, not you. It's not your fault you inherited it. But to be honest, Izzy, and don't take this the wrong way, but you might want to consider selling your stake in the company."

She gave a small nod. “I have been thinking about it. I broached it with the board earlier today.”


“They weren’t happy. Both Robert and Raf tried to talk me out of it.”

“A change of ownership means they’ll be out of a job.”

“Yeah, but they’ll get a great deal. I can’t do this forever, I’m not cut out for it.”

Viper was glad she’d come to that decision. The stress was getting to her.

"This is not your problem," Pat agreed. "Companies are bought and sold all the time.” Pat had a point.

Izzy nodded. “I know, you’re right. I realized that to support the local community, the company needs a strong leader at the helm. Someone who understands the business and wants to be there.”

“Robert?” Pat asked.

“No, not Robert. He’s done a great job, but he barely goes to the mine. Raf hasn’t ever been down there.”

“Who then?” Pat tilted his head.

“I’ve had several offers that I’m considering.”

“Good. Let someone else take it on. It's become too dangerous and it can't be doing your social media profile any good."

Viper hadn’t even considered that. These attempts on her life would cause her sponsors to worry. They might even decide she wasn't worth the risk.