“I just want it to be over,” Izzy whispered.
Pat leaned over and took her hand. "We'll get the people who kidnapped you, Izzy. Don't worry about that. It's just a matter of time."
She saw Viper nod in agreement. Why didn’t she feel as confident?
“Unless they come for me again, we’ve got nothing. The FBI might be able to identify the mercenaries, but how will they prove the cartel is behind this?”
The men didn’t have an answer.
She took a deep breath. "We could use me as bait.”
"No way!"
"Absolutely not."
All three men spoke at the same time.
"Hear me out. If we set up the perfect kidnapping opportunity, then you guys could swoop in and catch them, and this nightmare will be over once and for all."
"I'm not prepared to put you at risk," said Pat firmly.
"They might not resort to kidnapping again," added Viper. He didn't need to explain. He meant this time they might just kill her. Easier. Quicker. Cleaner.
No more bargaining.
She swallowed. "They won’t. I’m useless to them dead, remember. Raf will inherit my share of the company and the status quo will remain unchanged. They need us to sell, which means they have to use me as leverage."
"Let's table that for later." Pat glanced at Blade worriedly. "In the meantime, we'll keep working on it. Viper will continue to be your personal protection agent."
She nodded, her gaze shifting to her lover, the man who’d shared her every moment for the last week, give or take. He still wouldn’t look directly at her. Maybe he was afraid his boss would realize that they’d been sleeping together and fire him.
"Unless you’d rather I assigned someone else?"
“I’m okay with it,” Viper blurted out, at the same time as she said, "That’s okay. I trust Viper. I don't want anyone else guarding me."
Pat nodded. "Okay, good. We'll be in touch. Take care, Izzy, and call if you see anything suspicious."
She stood up and hugged him. "I will. Thanks, Uncle Pat. I appreciate all you're doing."
He smiled. "You're in good hands."
She snuck a look at Viper behind Pat’s back. "I know."
The sun was beginning to sink below the skyline when Thorn dropped them off outside Izzy's apartment block. Viper stared up at the elegant four-storey building with wide, expansive balconies overlooking the quiet crescent-shaped street. Very nice.
"Thanks, Thorn." He climbed out, then walked around and opened the car door for Izzy.
"See you soon," the operative called before driving off.
The concierge hurried out to meet them. "Welcome back, Miss Beaumont." He smiled fondly at her. "I was glad to read you were okay after your ordeal."
"Thank you, Lewis." She gave him a tired smile. "I'm just glad to be home."
"Your luggage arrived from San Diego a few days ago," Lewis told her. "I've put it in your apartment."