Page 78 of Silk Shadow

He could barely handle his own life, let alone run a multi-billion-dollar corporation. She was in an entirely different league. What a fool he’d been to think they could ever make it work.

"We're on the 24th floor," she said as the elevator took them up.

They stepped out into a marble-floored lobby with soft lighting and a huge print by some famous artist on the wall. Glass sliding doors hissed open as they approached, leading them into a carpeted hallway.

"The boardroom is this way," Izzy said, marching ahead.

She pushed open a walnut-colored door and disappeared inside. Viper followed, his senses on high alert. The risk here was minimal, but he was ready for anything. He'd been caught off guard before. He had his Kevlar vest on under his shirt and jacket, and his pistol holstered at the small of his back.

Izzy looked incredible in a long dark-blue denim skirt with a slit up the side showing off her long legs, and a pressed, white shirt. She had on blood-red pumps with two-inch heels.

Viper watched as she greeted the people around the table. At the head was Robert, who, annoyingly, hugged her like a lost love, kissing her on both cheeks and holding her hand for way too long.

He glared at him as he took up his position at the door.

"Raf, how lovely to see you." Izzy embraced a younger man with dark brown hair and a harsh, angular face. He was good-looking in a debonair sort of way. Average height, slender build, expensive suit. Probably had manicured fingernails.

"Darling, I'm so glad you made it back in one piece. We were crazy with worry."

Viper doubted that. Rafael seemed far too self-absorbed to care about anyone else other than himself. Still, Viper didn't know the man, so he shouldn't judge.

Also in the room were four other men in designer suits with important expressions. They all shook Izzy's hand. He watched their faces closely, looking for any resentment or animosity but saw none.

"Jackson, it's good to see you again." Izzy shook hands with a stocky, blond man in an ill-fitting suit. The manager of Montezuma. This guy was more comfortable in his khakis, it was obvious. Big, brawny with scarred worker’s hands and short fingernails. Viper liked him immediately.

"Miss Beaumont, I sure am glad you're okay." He was American, but with a definite Texan twang.

"Thank you. Shall we get down to business? I know you have a lot to tell us about what's happening at Montezuma."

"Yes, ma'am."

They sat down. Viper noticed there were two silver urns on the table containing tea and coffee and an assortment of cookies. There were also several pitchers of water. Izzy poured herself a glass of water.

"What is the situation in Mexico at the moment?" asked Robert, getting them going.

Jackson put his hands on the table. "The region is controlled by La Sombra Roja. The people are too scared to stand up to them, even the police are on their payroll. They own everyone.”

"And they want the mine?" asked Izzy.

"Yes, ma'am. They don’t want us there. We bring stability to the region, which makes them less powerful. We bring jobs and infrastructure, which makes the local communities less dependent on them."

Viper could understand that. Gangsters of any kind loved instability. It was how they operated.

"The mining rights were sold to us by the Mexican government," said Robert. "We have permission to mine that land. They have no right to it."

“They’re responsible for these attacks?” Izzy asked.

Jackson nodded. "We managed to foil another attack a few days ago. Our security operatives apprehended two of the assailants, who we've handed over to the Mexican police."

"Good," said Robert. "Hopefully it will deter future attacks."

The FBI would be curious to know about that. He made a mental note to tell Pat.

"We hope so," agreed Jackson, although his gaze said he knew otherwise. They talked about the mine for a while longer, ironing out some operational issues, and finally Jackson got up and left. Viper followed him into the hall.

"We need to discuss the offers on the table for the company," Izzy was saying.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ferris." Viper closed the door behind him.