Viper looked at Izzy. She was pursing her lips like she did when she was contemplating something.
"Mr. Henderson, I don't know what you thought you'd achieve by ambushing me like this, but I've heard what you had to say. Now I'd appreciate it if you left."
He stood up. So did Viper.
"I understand. Sorry to intrude on your... vacation." His gaze shifted to the gun in Viper's hand. "But you understand why I wanted to talk to you before you got back to D.C.? Your CEO would shut me down before I even got going."
“He’d be justified in doing so. He’d lose everything if I sold out,” she said, defensively.
Henderson merely shrugged.
Izzy got to her feet. "I think you should go now."
He followed suit. “Will you at least think about it?"
"I will, but I’m not making any promises.”
“Fair enough.” Henderson nodded at Viper before walking away.
Viper watched him go. It was only when Henderson had disappeared in the direction of the beach that he let his hand drop.
"Ican't believe that guy," Izzy said, once he'd gone. The meeting had shaken her more than she cared to admit. "Surprising us like that."
Viper holstered his gun. "The worrying thing is how he found us. If he can, so can the bad guys. We're not safe here anymore."
She sighed. "You're right. I suppose it's time to head back to D.C. I can't stay away much longer anyway, my followers will be getting antsy. Besides, I have to meet with the board members about the mine. They don't even know that my father was murdered."
It was all rushing back. The responsibility, the threats, the fear.
"Did you believe him?" asked Viper as they walked back inside. "Henderson, I mean."
"Yeah, I did. I've heard my father talk about GHMG Holdings before. He was praising their work in Nicaragua. If I was going to sell to anyone—" She frowned. "I just don't like being ambushed."
"Can't argue with you there." Viper checked the corridor as the elevator opened.
Izzy sighed. "So, we're back to looking over our shoulders everywhere we go?"
"Unfortunately, yeah. We've become careless these last few days. I've become careless. I should have kept my guard up."
She took his hand. "I thought we were safe here too."
They went into their room. The window was open, letting in the warm breeze. After being so relaxed these last few days, the tension was back. She stretched her neck and tried to push it away. "Okay if we fly back tomorrow?"
He nodded. "I’ll clear it with Pat, but it's probably for the best. I don't know how much longer we'll be safe here, now that our location has been compromised."
"Henderson won't tell anyone."
"You can’t be sure of that. Anyway, anyone tracing Robert or Emily's phone will know."
Izzy sat down on the bed. The last few days had been like a dream. She couldn’t believe they're coming to an end.
Sensing her mood, Viper sat down beside her. "We still have tonight."
She turned and threw her arms around his neck. He smelled so good, felt so good, that she wanted to hang on forever. "I know, and I intend to make the most of it."
Much later, as Izzy lay in a post-orgasmic haze, she thought about Henderson's offer. What would Robert and Raf say if she sold her share to GHMG? They'd object, for sure. Henderson would bring in his own team to run things, absorb their company into his own.