Page 45 of Silk Shadow

Viper popped his head up.

"Good job," he said, as Phoenix appeared out of the shadows.

"That's four down," said Viper.

"Five," Phoenix corrected. "I took one out with my knife."

One left to go.

The last kidnapper had obviously heard the commotion, but wisely kept himself hidden. Even now, he was probably tracking them.

Phoenix gave him a hand signal that meant, I'll double back. You go on.

Viper nodded.

It was so dark between the trees that anyone watching wouldn't have a clear shot unless they got up close and personal. And they wouldn't risk opening fire and giving away their position. Not when it was two against one.

So now the hunt began.

Viper set out, creeping through the undergrowth, his ears peeled.

Every now and then he thought he heard a rustle, but it could be anything. There were gangs operating in these jungles, hostile banditos armed with weapons. This was Mexico. Danger lurked around every corner.

He stopped, hunkered down and listened. The rustling continued for a while, then stopped. Definitely someone tracking him. He waited, willing them to show themselves. As soon as he got a visual, he could take them out. But the guy didn't appear. He was good. Patient. Well trained.

Then he heard a shout and his blood went cold. It was Phoenix's voice. He sprang out of hiding and surged through the bush. The remaining mercenary had Phoenix in a headlock and was reaching for his knife. He was going to slit his throat.

Not on my watch!

Viper took but a moment to aim and then shot the guy in the head. It exploded, covering Phoenix in gunk.

"Jeez!" he muttered, leaping away.

The man fell to the ground behind him.

Phoenix took a moment to compose himself. "Thanks, buddy. I thought I was a goner there for a minute."

Viper grinned, but he could see Phoenix was shaken. "Nah, far from it. I had your six."

They headed back toward the ditch where they'd hidden Izzy. "I hope she didn't hear the shots and freak out," said Phoenix.

Viper shook his head. "Nah, she's tougher than she looks."

"Get to know her quite well, did you?"

"Sort of." He avoided his friend's gaze. "You can learn a lot by watching someone."

Phoenix nodded in agreement. "You sure can."

Observation was a crucial part of their SEAL training. Watching and waiting. Waiting for that perfect moment to strike, just like a sniper lying in wait for the ideal shot.

"She seems nice," said Phoenix, unwilling to let it go.

Visions of her taunting him in the swimming pool sprang to mind.

I need a man's opinion.

"Nice isn't the word I'd use to describe her.” He resisted a smile. Feisty, independent, sexy as hell. Vulnerable too. Izzy was all those things. “She’s tough, but she’s a good person."