There is silence and then…
Ssssssss. I straighten away from the side of the wall and frown.
You’re sure? The creature sends through an image of them nodding their little scaled head. I’m not sure how Kiera’s spiders work, but serpents are intelligent creatures with a language all their own. I’ve never questioned how I can translate their hissing noises into actual understanding, but right now, I’m pleased by the power.
Turning from the window to face the room, I relay the information that the serpents have passed along. “The God Council called another meeting,” I say.
Three heads turn and three pairs of eyes land on me. Kiera’s face twists in confusion. Maeryn’s is impassable, as if merely looking my way is akin to smelling rancid meat. I bare my teeth at her, letting my fangs lengthen to fine points. Her eyes move down in instinctive submission. Irksome female.
Ignoring her once more, I lift my eyes to meet those of my brother’s. “They’ve decided to conduct a ceremony for Kiera’s ancestry.”
The door behind Kiera opens and Theos steps out, his face looking far more serious than I’ve ever noticed before. I tilt my head to the side, curious. His upper lip curls back and he flashes me his teeth before he stomps past Kiera towards the front door.
“Theos,” Ruen calls after him. “You need to hear this.”
Theos halts where he stands. Though he doesn’t turn back to face the rest of us, neither does he make a move to leave. His shoulders shift up and down in the slightest indication that he’s still breathing, but otherwise, he’s as still as a statue. My gaze flicks to Kiera who seems to be intent on not looking his way.
“Kalix.” Ruen’s commanding voice spears through me, interrupting my wayward thoughts. “What else?”
I sigh and reach back out to the serpent’s mind, seeking the information once more.
“They’ve sent someone to get Kiera to prepare for the ceremony.”
“It’s not the Spring Equinox yet,” Kiera protests. “They said?—”
“I’m only saying what my familiars have told me,” I interrupt her with a shrug. “Spring Equinox or not, they appear to be impatient.”
How very God-like of them. The thought is snide in my head but no less true. Then again, perhaps Azai is where I get my lack of patience. If that were the case, though, then why aren’t my brothers more like me?
“Is it for today?” Ruen asks.
I nod my answer. “Yes, a Terra will likely be here soon.”
Maeryn stands abruptly, her eyes wide with fear. “They’re coming here?” she asks. “Now?” Without waiting for a response, she whirls away. “I can’t be here,” she directs her words to Ruen. “They can’t find out I’ve been helping you if?—”
He waves off her words. “I understand,” he says, cutting her off as he gestures for the door. “Go ahead. We thank you for your assistance.”
“Wait!” Kiera reaches out for the red-haired Second Tier. “What about Regis?”
Maeryn pauses and glances back at the man still sprawled on the lounge. “He’s unconscious but not due to any more injury,” she says, her words shooting out quickly as the sound of her anxiety trembles in her voice. So dramatic, I think with an eye roll. As if she can’t handle a little bit of torture or death that may be punishment for aiding a mortal from outside the walls.
“Can we move him?” Kiera asks.
“Yes, yes of course. He’ll wake up when his mind is ready.”
“I’ll see Maeryn back to her quarters,” Theos says in a tight voice as the other girl nods once more to Kiera and then lifts her skirts as if preparing to run. Theos and the annoying girl are gone in the next instant and Kiera is hovering over the human male.
“How long until whoever the Gods have sent get here, Kalix?” Ruen demands as he strides across the room to stand alongside Kiera.
I scowl before reaching for my familiar yet again. A moment later, I know. “It’ll be within the next hour,” I say. “It appears that they’re searching for Caedmon first and he is not in his chambers.”
“Good.” Ruen jerks his chin in an indication for Kiera to move. She does and Ruen bends, lifting the fragile male into his arms. “Then we hide him.”
“Where?” Kiera asks, eyes scanning the room as if she can divine up some secret place for the human. A snort draws her attention to me and I offer her a smile in response to her dark look.