The sigh turns to a gasp as the first electrifying sensation of lightning sparks against the sensitive bundle of nerves above my sex. I jolt from the half-asleep state into one of full wakefulness to find that the hand is real and it’s Theos’. His name is both a groan and a scolding as it’s ripped from my lips. He pulls his hand back, but his mouth presses a kiss to my nape as he holds me in the same way we fell asleep. His naked front to my tunic covered back. That doesn’t last long. Theos’ hands push up the fabric so that he can touch me, skin to skin. I glance down to find a golden glow surrounding his fingers. The sparks of his Divinity light up the shadowy room as he flattens a palm against my lower belly. A shock rippling of energy moves through me. That strange buzzing that I’ve felt tingling beneath my flesh rises to greet this new sensation. The muscles beneath my flesh bunch and jump to meet the heat coming off the hand belonging to the man at my back. Theos’ body is like an inferno against mine, chasing away the last vestiges of the ice that filled my insides until there’s no hint left.
“Theos.” My nails dig into the muscled forearm around my side as my spine arches. More lightning glows at the tips of his fingers trailing from him to me, making the nerves beneath my skin shudder in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
He nuzzles against the side of my neck. “I love it when you say my name like that.”
I shake my head, trying to clear it from the erotic fog he’s somehow woven over me. “Now … is really … not…” the time, I mentally add when yet again more of his lightning appears, this time jumping and dancing over the exterior of my flesh like tiny little sentient creatures.
Theos ignores my words and parts his lips. Sharp, sweet agony spills through me as his teeth sink into the column of my throat, and the evidence of a hot hard cock prods my ass.
“Regis!” I half gasp, half moan, trying to remind both myself and the man torturing me of the reason we shouldn’t be doing this.
Unfortunately, all it does is result in a low male growl. The world flips and my front is suddenly turned, my back pressed into the mattress beneath me as a very angry very erect Theos Darkhaven appears above me. My legs are spread and in the next second, I’m filled to the brim. My spine arches and my lips part in a silent scream as Theos is suddenly inside me, his cock sliding through soft not-quite-ready-yet flesh.
“I might not mind letting my brothers have you, Dea.” His voice is a quiet dangerous rumble—sounding nothing like the usual Theos. “But if you ever call another man’s name while you’re in my bed … I will gut him upon this mattress and then fuck you in his entrails.”
As if intended to punctuate that threat, Theos withdraws from my cunt and then slams back inside with fervent desire. My hands are on his shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh until they draw blood.
“Don’t. Fucking. Threaten. Me.” Each word is marked by a low animalistic growl, and it takes several moments after the words are out to realize that the noise is coming from my own throat.
Liquid treasure eyes bore into me as Theos pulls back, his hips twisting before he sinks back into me. Lightning the same color as those eyes of his appears along the length of his arms. The scent of something smoldering, hot and wicked reaches my nostrils a split second before the sheets around us catch fire. Flames lick at my side, eliciting a gasp as I mentally prepare for the heat stealing over my skin and searing into me. Arms close around my body and Theos spins us, ripping the sheets from their position as we tumble to the opposite side of the bed. When I reopen my eyes after realizing I’d closed them in preparation for pain, I find myself sitting astride the big golden eyed Darkhaven beneath me. Other than a scorch mark on the otherwise pristine sheets, there’s no other evidence of his near lack of control.
“Off.” Theos yanks at the edge of my tunic.
Shaking off the sudden change, I stare down at him—confused and aroused. Perhaps it’s because I just woke up, but I don’t have any of the usual barriers I normally would. My mind isn’t focusing as hard as it should on all of the reasons why I shouldn’t let this man do what he wants.
When I don’t immediately do as he demands, Theos reaches up and grips two sides of my tunic. The sound of rending fabric reaches my ears a bit too late as he peels away the remains of my shirt and then does away with the under corset, leaving me completely naked astride him. He slaps my hip lightly—just enough to sting, though not to cause actual pain. “If you don’t want me to fuck you into unconsciousness, I suggest you ride me, Dea.”
My hands curl into fists against his chest. “Theos—fuck!”
Whether he senses my impending protest or he is simply tired of being patient, the hard roll of his hips sends my body jolting up and down, my insides sliding against the hard shaft between my legs. Theos’ hands come up to grip my waist, lifting me and pulling back down until his cock is sliding between my folds in hard penetrating thrusts.
I shut my eyes again as the squeeze of my insides press hard against the cock inside me. My lower muscles contract around the intruder and the responding low masculine groan that echoes up from beneath me makes the sweat slicked hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.
“You’re squeezing me so tightly,” Theos pants. “It’s as if you’re trying to strangle my cock.”
“Maybe I am,” I shoot back, my lids parting so I can peer down through my lashes at his face.
His neck is craned back, the sharp lines of his jaw no longer shadowed as the veins bulge beneath his skin. I look to where his hands are holding me down against him and curiosity has me lifting slightly on my own, rubbing up and down and back and forth. A hiss escapes him and then me as I inadvertently rub my clit against something. It feels good, so I do it again.
Up and down. Back and forth. Grinding. Hungry for a bit more of this pleasure when I should be focusing on anything—everything—else. Just once though. I want to steal a bit of time for myself, for privacy to reward myself for all that I’ve given up and all that I’ve yet to give up but know that I eventually will.
I can’t keep them—these deranged devious Darkhavens. They are not mine, and I’m not theirs. But I can take this with me when it’s all over—the memories of something good, of something pleasurable.
If I don’t die here in this place, in this academy at the hands of the Gods, then this will be all that I will allow myself for the future. A memory of once when I wasn’t so in control, when I allowed myself a short reprieve from everything else. Hopefully, it’ll be enough.
“Fuck!” Theos’ sharp cry as I feel his cock swell against my inner walls leaves me panting for more as he uses his hold again, slamming me up and down upon his shaft.
Wetness trickles from between my thighs, soaking his lap and the dark hairs at the base of his shaft. Sweat coats my flesh—my thighs, my shoulders, and everything in between.
“Kiss me.” Theos’ plea is a soft purr, hypnotic. So much so that I find myself leaning down to offer my mouth to him.
The second his lips touch mine, though, I realize my mistake. His hand comes up and clasps around the back of my head, holding me in place as he takes what remains of my sanity and completely obliterates it. The world spins a second time and he’s over me, his body moving like a lithe predatory animal as he powers into me. Our hips are locked in an age-old dance, my legs spread open for him. He grasps me by the throat now that my head is pressed back into the mattress and ravages my mouth.
Tongue, lips, and teeth collide in an explosive fury that I knew we both possessed. As hungry as he’s turning out to be, I’m more so. I bite back, sucking his tongue into my mouth and tormenting him with little needy sounds in the back of my throat. A hand squeezes against my breast. Fingers tweak my nipple, pinching down hard until the kiss is interrupted by a sharp cry from me.
“Gods…” I hiss out as Theos’ head dips and he takes my other nipple between his teeth.
He pauses and lifts his head. “Don’t bring those bastards into this moment, Dea,” he orders, eyes dripping with icy gold. “The Gods have no place between your legs. Only me. When you cry out, I want to hear you scream my name.”