“Then hurry up,” I snap back. “I’m going with or without you and I’m going now.”

“If the Underworld is breached then they’re likely not at the shop anymore.” Ruen’s reasoning is solid, but so is mine.

“It’s the last place they were known to be,” I reply. “I can try to pick up a trail to know where Regis has gone, plus—” I lift my arm and Regis’ crow lands on it. “This one can lead me to him if we get close enough.” Crows are intelligent creatures with long memories and each crow trained by the Underworld knows their primary agents. This one will know where to find Regis.

Ruen’s hands ball into fists and he turns towards his brothers. “Talk to her!” he yells. “Make her see reason!”

Theos groans. “I don’t think we can stop her.”

Kalix moves for the stairs. “I’ll grab a few more weapons.”

Good. Yes. Weapons we might need. “Another dagger for me,” I call after him.

Ruen thrusts a hand into his hair, grabs a chunk of the dark inky strands and yanks. “This is ridiculous. We can’t risk leaving the Academy right now. The God Council is here!”

“Risk or not, I’m leaving,” I state. “Are you coming with me?”

Blue-purple eyes glow red. “Fuck you,” he growls. “Yes, of course, I’m coming, damn it.”

The tightness I hadn’t realized was coiling in my chest eases the slightest bit. Relief slides through me. “But not all of us,” he says when I’m about to thank him.

I scowl. “I’m not?—”

“You’ll go,” he assures me, dropping his hand from his hair before I can tell him that there’s no way I’m staying behind. “Kalix and I will go.” He turns to Theos. “You will stay.”

Theos blinks and then scowls. “What? Why me?” he practically yells. “Why do I have to stay behind?”

Through gritted teeth, Ruen responds. “Because we need someone here to act as a look out in case any of the Gods comes looking for us.”

Theos grinds his jaw but doesn’t say anything which, to me, means that he sees the logic in Ruen’s words.

“And,” Ruen continues after a beat, “I’ll need you to call for Maeryn. Have her Terra bring her here.”

“What for?” I ask, frowning as the door above opens and Kalix appears at the stairs, quickly moving downward.

“You’re going to the shop to find your fellow assassin, Kiera,” Ruen replies. “If the spot of blood on his note is any indication, he’s hurt. We’re going to find him and bring him back here. That’s the mission. Can you handle it?”

The last words, a question, make my back go ramrod straight. Insulted at him even bothering to ask deepens my voice to my own growl. “Yes.”

Ruen nods and Kalix finishes his descent, handing me another dagger upon passing. I take it and Regis’ crow lifts away from my arm to allow me to strap it to my other thigh. Kalix tosses Ruen a cloak and then dons his own.

“Good,” Ruen states, “then, let's go.”

Chapter 32


Idon’t recall a time when my feet moved with such swiftness. Now, I’m running with a near impossible speed as I race away from the Academy wall and down towards the city of Riviere. Even with my anger at Regis for what he’d done—how he had betrayed me—I don’t want him hurt or dead.

Regis’ crow flies overhead, the creature’s black wings nearly eclipsed by the darkness of the night as I’m followed by two silent figures. Kalix and Ruen. They run with me, quiet and fast. The tingle of Ruen’s power threads an illusion over all of us, hiding us from the view of those who guard the walls of the Academy.

That power calls to my own, reminding me of what had happened in the arena merely days before. The long dark tunnel that had obscured my ability to see. I still have no clue what it was other than my own power needing an outlet. At least, I hope that’s all it was.

We make quick work of the distance between the Academy and Riviere, reaching the city’s edge in far less time than it’s ever taken me. When I slow towards the first street, I find myself breathing evenly as if I’m not even winded. Ruen’s hand comes up to cup my shoulder.

“With the brimstone out, you likely have more stamina than before,” he says as if he can read my mind. “Your body is already working to catch up with your new abilities.”

I open my mouth to reply, but Regis’ crow chooses that moment to caw down at us. Jerking my gaze to the sky, I watch as the animal flaps its wings and circles us before heading off down the street. Sliding out from under Ruen’s hold, I trail the creature. The Darkhavens fall into step behind me, never wavering, and never dropping back.