Page 25 of Rascal

“I love you too.”

“Don’t want tennis. I leawn awchy?”

Meg looked at Rascal, trying to figure out what David was saying, then David held his hands up like a bow and arrow.

“Oh, archery? I can see who knows how to do that as long as your parents say it’s okay.”

Meg greatly agreed they needed to check with Bear and Winnie. David with a bow and arrow could be dangerous if he wasn’t supervised.

“So, who is ready to head home? We’ll grab hot cocoa and cookies from the clubhouse before you go home.”

The kids’ gleeful yells had her smiling, but Joey started fussing. Meg walked over to settle him. A rub on his tummy and humming a tune, and he quieted.

Rascal walked with Meg and the kids across the park. It was a lot easier going after they got to the sidewalk. The sheriff’s department was on the corner and something at the back door caught his eye.

The new deputy he hadn’t made a decision about yet was carrying a box to the trash but as he got close to the dumpster, a furry head popped out of the box.

Was he seriously tossing a kitten in the trash?

Rascal wasn’t letting that happen. There were plenty of people who would take in unwanted animals. “Hey Deputy, is that a kitten in the box?” Rascal yelled.

The deputy abruptly paused, then glared across the street. Rascal was guessing if his face was any indication, the man was mad someone had caught him.

“Keep the kids here, just in case,” Rascal directed.

If something was wrong with the kitten, he didn’t want the kids upset. He hurried across the street. When he stopped in front of the deputy, the man reluctantly handed the box to Rascal. He opened the box the deputy had closed before Rascal had made it across the street.

Rascal couldn’t believe his eyes. There were two kittens in the box. One a tiger striped tabby and another orange and white. Rascal guessed their ages about a couple months old.

“Are they strays?” Rascal worked to keep the fury from his voice. What type of person boxed up kittens and threw them in a dumpster?

“Yes, I was taking them to my car to deliver to the shelter.”

Rascal glared, letting the deputy see all his fury. “It looked like you were walking to the trash dumpster.”

The deputy smiled. “I would never hurt an animal. I think you’re mistaken. My cruiser is parked by the dumpster. I considered keeping them myself, but I’m not home enough.”

Rascal didn’t believe a word out of the guy’s mouth but wasn’t willing to fight about it today. He turned and walked across the street before he put his fist in the deputy’s face. He put a smile on his face so his grandkids wouldn’t be upset. Well, maybe it was fate because in the last week, Meg mentioned she wouldn’t mind getting a pet since she’d never had one before.

When he stopped in front of Meg and the kids, he opened the box where they could see.

“Oh, they are so cute,” Meg reached in to pet one of them.

“Papa Wascal, can we keep them?” David asked.

“Well, you can come visit them. Nana Meg hasn’t ever had a pet, so they are for her.”

The joy in Meg’s eyes and on her face had him knowing he’d done the right thing. Every dream she had and every wish she made was going to be granted as long as he lived. She was the woman he’d been waiting for.

“So where can we get pet food and all the things they’ll need?”

Rascal smiled. She was already planning. “Let’s text Locks because there is always a cat or two there.”

Chapter Sixteen

Some of the women had gone to Dodge City to do a little shopping and then end the night at Nelson’s Honkytonk Saloon & Bar. Meg had thought about going but she’d hardly seen Rascal this week.

Roam had left to go to a tattoo convention and look for an additional person to possibly add to their staff. Rascal had covered the shop and worked from nine in the morning until seven at night. By the time he got home, his back was aching, and all he wanted to do was eat, watch TV with the heating pad on his back, then fall into bed exhausted.