The sounds Rascal made as he licked and devoured her had her grabbing the couch to not fall over as she detonated, screaming his name. She’d dropped down farther when she came. When she jerked because she worried she was suffocating him, his hand held her thigh. His nose rubbed against the crease of her thigh. Then he turned and kissed her clit.
“So I think we can say that’s a successful position and we don’t need to worry about me suffocating.”
Rascal’s wry voice had her glaring at his grin. He shifted her down his body until she was sitting on his hard cock. She didn’t appreciate his jeans were a layer between them.
“How about you let me bend you over that desk?”
At his words, she scrambled off him and went to the desk. Obviously, he’d been planning this because all the messy papers he and Roam were notorious for leaving on the desk were gone. Rascal’s body heat behind her had her leaning back against him. He’d removed his clothes because his hard cock was against her.
“Meg, lean over and spread your legs. I want inside you.”
She shivered and leaned over the desk. The cold metal of the desk against her nipples added another layer of sensation. She widened her legs as Rascal’s hands squeezed and touched her thighs and then the globes of her ass.
“I love this lush ass and thighs. Watching you jiggle as you walk in the house has me wanting you all the time.”
His fingers slid down and circled her clit, had her squirming, trying to get him inside her. His hand held her down.
“Uh-uh, Meg. I’m in charge.”
He notched his cock at her entrance, and she waited. The cold desk, the warmth of Rascal’s legs against hers, and the roughness of the hair on his legs had her feeling empty. She ached to have him inside her.
He steadily pushed in, filling her until he groaned and stopped.
“Each time with you gets better and better. Fuck it. I can’t do this slow. You feel too good.”
Rascal’s movements increased until he was thrusting in and out. She grabbed the edge of the desk, trying to hold on, but knowing she couldn’t hold back. Having him pounding inside her had her hurtling over. She closed her eyes and let the orgasm wash over her as she heard Rascal yell her name.
“Is this how we finish our tattoos, now?”
Roam’s voice had Rascal turning toward the door. Roam wasn’t in the doorway, but the edge of his foot was at the edge of the doorway.
“Fuck off, Roam.”
“So about that. There wasn’t anything on the schedule, so when a client called and needed a touch-up, I said yes. Mom and Dad have my kids, and the client will be here in about three minutes.”
“Of course they will.”
Rascal kissed Meg’s neck and pulled out even though he wanted to stay in her forever. He grabbed the towel he had ready, wiping himself, then handing it to Meg because she wasn’t a fan of his cum running down her leg.
He walked over, pulling the door halfway, standing behind it. He leaned around so Roam could see his face. “Will you hand me Meg’s clothes from my station? I’ll close the door so we can clean up, then we’ll leave. Once the door is closed, feel free to let your client in.”
Rascal wanted to pummel Roam’s smirking face, but he only had himself to blame that he didn’t put anything on the calendar. Roam handed him Meg’s clothes, then Rascal closed the door. He turned to Meg worried about what she would say.
When he looked at her, she burst out laughing. “Can I say I’m happy we were done when he let us know he was here? That was so hot, and I would have been mad if he ruined our time together.”
Rascal laughed and walked over, laying his lips on the woman who continually surprised him. “Me too, babe. Me too.”
“Next time, you just need to put it on the calendar so we don’t get interrupted.”
He helped Meg slide her panties and shorts on, then helped her with her bra, smiling the whole time.
“I mean, let’s face it. When Roam tells this story, all the younger guys are going to be jealous of you getting it on in your tattoo shop.”
He couldn’t hold in his chuckles. She was absolutely fucking perfect for him.
Chapter Fourteen
Meg and Stella were meeting Mrs. Hall at a small, empty building on the same street as the diner and the tattoo shop. Locks had mentioned he owned the building across from the sheriff’s building. The upper level had a small apartment, and the downstairs had been a business. It had a large front showroom and a small breakroom with a bathroom.