“Are you ready to get our playing card and get back on the road or do you want to stay a little longer?”
Meg scrunched her nose and smiled. “I want to wrap my arms around you again, so let’s get back on the bike after we grab a drink. Sarah was saying dinner would be ready when we got back.”
“Then let’s do what my woman wants.”
Meg’s eyes widened and for the first time since they’d met, she was speechless.
“Oh, Rascal and Meg, sitting in a ...”
Rascal turned toward Sarah, who had been joined by Remi. “Really?”
“Hey, we’ve been waiting years to tease you. Deal with it,” Sarah said.
He shook his head and led his quiet woman out the door to get a drink. He waited for Meg to grab a soda before opening it for her, then taking a drink for himself. He guzzled half the bottle of water before turning to see Meg watching him.
“Your woman?”
He smiled at her quiet voice. “I told you for as long as you’ll have me, which makes you mine. My woman. The gorgeous, lush woman who I can’t wait to have under me, on top of me and any way I can have her. Does that seem like something you want, too?”
He waited while Meg took a large drink, then swallowed while continuing to stare at him. He knew it might be too soon for her, but it wasn’t for him.
“Then you’re my man?”
The question in her voice had him pulling her close so their faces were inches apart. “Yes, I want to be your man forever. In fact, I’m so sure about us that I’ll get a tattoo showing everyone I’m taken because I’m yours.”
Meg’s grin had him wishing they were done with the Poker Run and back at his house. He’d need to think of something besides how she’d look naked because he didn’t relish riding with a hard-on for the trip back.
Chapter Seven
Meg took a sip of her drink while listening to the sisters disagree. She wouldn’t call it an argument, but they were definitely disagreeing.
“Now, see, I think you’re trying to re-write history. I mean, I know as you get older, your mind goes, so I’ll chalk it up to that,” Beth said.
“Little sister, I distinctly remember I won the last time we raced the dirt bikes. It was before the guys all came back, and it was after we got back from Nelson’s.” Remi glared at Beth.
“Nope, that was two times ago. The last time we raced was after War came back and you were mad about his texts. It was when he was still acting like an ass. When we raced, I won and then we all went and drank margaritas at Sarah’s and talked bad about men.”
“Okay, so you mean Remi and War fought before they got together? How have you all not shared that with me?” Stella asked.
Meg loved all the women she’d met, and she’d even started to get all the names right. Stella was her age, and if she was right, she was the mom to Rose, Tasha, and Scoop, who was married to Sarah. The chatter had her relaxing and enjoying just being with people.
They’d returned from the Poker Run, had a fantastic dinner and were listening to the band play. Rascal had gone to help Bear and War ice down more drinks. She hoped when he returned, he’d dance with her. She couldn’t think of anything more perfect to do under the stars tonight and the Christmas lights they’d strung through the trees in the park.
All the fun almost made her forget the mess she’d need to deal with back at the college. She just needed to put it out of her mind because she couldn’t do anything about it tonight. Tonight was about enjoying her time with Rascal.
“How was the ride?”
Regina’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts.
“It was good. My legs feel a little strange, but I love riding with Rascal.”
“There’s nothing better than wrapping your arms around your man on a bike unless it’s wrapping your legs around your man’s hips in bed.”
Meg giggled at Regina’s words. Sarah, Remi, and Beth were staring at her like she’d just told them she was an alien.
“Hey, Regina, how much have you had to drink?”
Regina rolled her eyes. “Girls, I don’t need to drink to appreciate the man who rescued me and my boys so many years ago. Besides, it’s not like I don’t know you all have sex. In fact, I’ve seen more than enough bare butts in the clubhouse to last a lifetime.”