I glance up to where Nyx is about to bury his face between her legs. “You heard,” I snap. “Stop.”
Nyx falls back, holding his hands up in surrender. “I heard her, man, relax.”
He pushes to his feet and moves back to the chair. Gemma stands, gives me a sad smile, and leaves the room.
“It’s too much too soon,” I mutter.
“You sure about that?” asks Nyx, cocking a brow. “I saw how tight your fists were just then, brother. You wanted to smash them into my face. You like her.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You’re talking shit. Leave us.”
He grabs his kutte and fastens his jeans. “You know where I am when you’re ready.” He laughs. “I mean, when she’s ready.” He takes the camera. “We might have enough, and Shadow got some shots of you two in the window and her holding the bag on the back of your bike.”
“Wait,” I mutter, standing. I feel beneath the couch and find the paper file I kicked under there. “It’s got my name on it,” I say, passing it to him. “Take it to the club.”
I find her in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. “He’s gone.”
She starts at my words and places the glass on the side. “He didn’t have to leave. I just needed a minute.”
“You wanna fuck him?” I bark and instantly regret it. It’s not her fault I’m jealous.
She slowly shakes her head. “No.”
“You fucked up coming to the garage,” I yell, beginning to pace. “You sprung that shit on me, Gemma.”
“It’s my job,” she snaps. “I was doing my job.”
“I’ve gotta stop you,” I say, running my hands through my hair. “The club is relying on me.”
“Stop me how?”
“I don’t know,” I yell, “but please don’t make me find out.”
“There’s nothing to hide,” she snaps. “You said there was nothing.”
“You know that’s bullshit,” I shout angrily.
“Stop talking,” she hisses. “Don’t tell me anything you can’t take back.”
“I wasn’t meant to like you,” I admit, leaning against the wall. I feel tired, and when my eyes meet hers, she looks exactly the same. “It will never work.”
“Leave the club,” she says.
I laugh. “If you knew me at all, you’d know that can never happen.”
She rushes to me, grabbing a fistful of my shirt. “It can. Just leave and we can be together.”
“It’s my life,” I snap, pushing her from me. “It’s the only place I’ve ever felt like I belonged.”
“And what about us? Don’t I make you feel like that?”
“We can’t even be out in public together. We couldn’t fourteen years ago, and we still can’t. Gemma, I can’t give up the club. And if you felt anything at all for me, you’d never ask me to.”
She sighs, her shoulders dropping slightly. “I need to get cleaned up,” she mutters, passing me to head upstairs.
I follow a few minutes later and kick off my boots. I shrug from my kutte and lie on her bed. When she returns wrapped in a towel, I hold out my hand, which she takes. “I’ve never wanted to kill a brother before, but seeing Nyx touch you . . .” I trail off, and she climbs over me, allowing the towel to fall away.
“It felt wrong,” she admits. “All I could think about was you and how I just need you.”