“I can take down this club, and you know I can. Let me do this and it’ll make you front page.”
“Are you forgetting what he did?” he hisses.
“How can I when you refuse to let me forget?” I spit. “I hate him, and that makes me the perfect candidate for this. I will take down The Chaos Demons. Please don’t stand in my way.”
There’s silence on his end, and I hold my breath. “Fine, but you will come and see me regularly with updates.” It’s a way for him to feel in control, so I reluctantly agree.
Izone out while Axel fumes about the raid the other night. “Fletch,” snaps Grizz, nudging me.
“Huh?” I ask, breaking from my thoughts of Gemma.
Axel is glaring at me. “Nyx mentioned you took the copper’s car in at the garage.”
I nod. “Yep. She broke down right outside. How’s that for sod’s law?”
“You think she did it on purpose, or it was for real?” asks Smoke.
“Nah, it’s fucked, not even roadworthy. I met her for a drink too.” I feel Axel’s eyes burning into me. “What?” I ask innocently. “You told me to apologise to her, soften her up.”
“Did she give anything up?” asks Grizz.
I shake my head. “Of course not. Although I did find out her father is Chief of Police.”
“Mark Stone?” Grizz questions.
“Isn’t he the new one?” asks Smoke, and Axel nods.
“A right miserable fucker, apparently,” says Grizz. “Not interested in meeting us to discuss anything. He’s nothing like the last guy.”
“I never met the man, but she was terrified of him back then,” I tell them. “We’d meet in secret.”
“Man, if I was dating someone as ugly as you, I’d keep it secret too,” jokes Ink.
“What’s the plan here?” asks Axel.
“You tell me,” I say. “You and the VP told me to make things right. I did.”
“You think she’d spill secrets?” asks Grizz.
“I doubt it, brother. She doesn’t seem the type to break rules these days.”
“These days?” repeats Axel. “Which means she used to?”
I grin. “She was a rebellious teen, what do you think?”
“Find that inner rebellious streak and break it. We need her off our backs.”
I salute him as he bangs the gavel on the table and then I head out.
Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I dial Gemma and she answers on the second ring. “It’s Fletch,” I tell her. “It’s about the car.”
“Right,” she whispers, “hold on.” I hear her moving and then a door open and close. “Okay, hit me with it.”
“I don’t think you’ll be surprised to know it’s not good news.”