“I can’t risk it.”
He groans, resting his forehead on the bar and staring out ahead. “Don’t you think we’ve wasted enough time? We could just live day by day, in the moment.”
“We have a responsibility now,” I argue.
“Fuck’s sake, Gemma, stop making excuses. If you don’t want to be with me, just tell me straight so I can stop wanting you.” He stands. “I can’t keep begging you to see what I see. We have a future together, me, you, and Ruby. You just have to say yes.”
He walks away, and I stare after him. My heart hurts. Taking a risk on Fletch for a third time is just plain stupid, but everything in me wants to go to him. I love him.
I’m about to push my helmet on when I hear her call my name. I still and slowly turn, watching as Gemma rushes towards me. “Wait,” she calls.
I swore that if she let me leave, that would be it. I’d draw a line under us and move forward. I’d concentrate on being a father to Ruby, and I’d put everything into her.
And now, as Gemma stops in front of me, I’m suddenly lost for words. “I’ve never been ashamed of you,” she says, her breathing rapid from running. “I’m not ashamed to be with you, Fletch, because I do love you. I’ve always loved you. But being with you scares the shit out of me.”
I give a tight nod. “Okay.” And I turn away to get on my bike.
“But,” she continues, and I pause again, “if I don’t at least try, I’ll hate myself.” I slowly turn back to face her, and she’s smiling. “I love you,” she adds.
“You’re serious?” She nods with a huge grin. “Because I can’t take it if you change your mind.”
“I won’t.”
My heart slams hard against my chest, not quite daring to believe what she’s telling me. “You know what you’re agreeing to?”
“Being your old lady,” she whispers with a glint in her eye.
“Being my old lady,” I confirm, nodding. I grab her by the waist and pull her into my arms. She laughs, and I swing her around. “For the first time ever, we’re doing this out in the open.”
“Looks that way.”
I kiss her, sliding her down my body. “I think I might just be the happiest man alive right now, Snap.”
Three months later . . .
It’s the fuss I didn’t want, and as Lexi fluffs my hair, I resist the urge to bat her hands away. She’s trying to help, and it’s nice that we’re getting on much better these days, but I told Ruby to make sure they understood I didn’t want any fuss.
“Ready?” she asks.
“As I’ll ever be,” I mutter.
She rolls her eyes and fixes me with a glare. “Try and be a little more enthusiastic.”
“She’s nervous,” Luna cuts in, smiling at me with sympathy.
“I’m not nervous,” I hiss, shaking out my shoulders. “You two are making this feel way bigger than it needs to be.”
“You’re making it official. It’s huge.” I sigh as Luna opens the bedroom door. “Let’s go and claim your man.”
Ruby and Fletch are together as usual, and it still brings a smile to my lips whenever I spot them. Being a father seems to have come natural to him, despite his worries, and the pair have a bond that even I struggle to compete with. She announced just last week that she wanted a motorbike, and I know despite my firm reluctance, he’s going to get her one. She’s already decided she wants to follow his footsteps and work in the garage. I laughed when she told me, knowing how my father would have reacted to the news.
Fletch spots me watching them and holds out his hand, which I take. He tugs me to him and kisses me gently on the lips. “You look amazing.”