I pull my hand away, his words twisting at my heart. “Like what?”
He takes a breath like he’s preparing some speech, and I brace myself. “For starters, your underwear could do with an update.” My brows must reach my hairline because he rushes to add, “You’ve had some of them since we met.”
“What else?” I demand, moving on swiftly.
“We could try some new stuff?”
“In the bedroom?”
“Yeah, yah know, like some kinky stuff.”
“You’d need to be a little more specific,” I hiss as calmly as I can muster.
“I like to be . . . well, I want you to tie me up.”
“Tie you up,” I repeat slowly.
“And maybe hit me sometimes.”
“Hit you?” I’m struggling to hide the shock displaying clearly on my face.
He suddenly looks unsure. “I get off on pain.” I have no words, so I stare at him open-mouthed. “And being dominated,” he adds, staring down at his knotted fingers.
“Oh god,” I murmur.
“And if you agree, I’d like you to meet Alice.”
“Alice?” I almost whisper while trying to fight the vomit that wants to make an appearance.
“She’s on board with the whole idea,” he gushes enthusiastically.
A small, unamused laugh escapes. “Maybe you could run it by me, Pete, cos I’m not sure I am.”
“The three of us.”
My brows arch again. “Together?”
He nods, smiling. “You both dominating me.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose, letting his confessions sink in. “Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?”
“Because I was ashamed,” he admits, “but after I spoke with Alice, she convinced me to talk to you. She thought you’d be a little more understanding about why I tend to stray.”
“Oh, did she?” I mumble, releasing a sigh. “Look, this isn’t going to work.”
He grabs my hand again. “Gemma, it is. You just need to try it . . . for me.”
I pull free and stand, heading over to the window. “And what about me? What about what I want?”
“You want me,” he tells me. “We can still get married and be the happy couple your father expects.”
I scrub my hands over my face. “No,” I state clearly. “I’ve spent my entire life trying to please everyone but me, and I’m not doing it anymore. I’m glad you found the courage to tell me how you feel because, honestly, I really thought it was me. Now, I see it’s just a difference in what we want.”
“Gemma, just think about it. We can be happy.”
“As long as I give you what you want,” I say, spinning to face him. “I don’t want to dominate a man. In fact, I want a man who can dominate me. A man who can throw me around the bedroom like a rodeo cowboy. I want a man who takes care of me before himself.” He looks offended. “I want a man who can make me come.”
“I can make you come,” he snaps.