Snap: Fuck off!
Me: Temper, temper. Dinner tonight?
Snap: I’d rather die.
Me: Harsh. My President’s invited you especially.
I wait for a good five minutes before her next reply comes.
Snap: Okay. What time?
Me: I’ll come get you at seven.
Snap: I’ll walk.
Me: Seven, Snap. Be ready.
Me: And Snap, don’t do anything stupid that would piss my President off . . . like come wired.
I head for Axel’s office and find him staring into a glass of whiskey. He looks up. “I told her. She cleared it with her bosses.”
“She told you that?” he asks, sounding surprised.
“Nope. She’s at work and she took way too long answering when I told her you’d invited her.”
“I kind of expected her to run it by them. She probably thinks she’s gonna get something.”
“What if she comes wired?”
He shrugs. “So, what if she does? I ain’t planning on confessing my sins.”
“I just think it’s a little . . . dangerous.”
“You’re my Enforcer, Fletch, you love danger.”
“What angle are we spinning here, Pres, just so we’re all on the same page?”
“We need her to see there’s nothing here for her. We’re not some mastermind criminal gang.”
“But we are.”
He grins. “Does Lexi talk about club business?” I shake my head. “Because I hide it fucking well. If my own old lady doesn’t know my business, that cop ain’t gonna find shit out. She’ll get bored and move on.”
“So, that’s the plan? Let her see there’s nothing to hide and she’ll get bored.”
“The way I see it, she’s gonna keep coming back uninvited if we don’t become more open.”
I shake my head. “She’s not stupid, Pres. She’ll know our plan.”
“Just like we know hers. It’s one big game that we can’t afford to lose, so we’re gonna do whatever we can to throw her off the scent.”
I run my hands over my face, showing how exhausted I am. “So, who will be at this family dinner?”
“Just us, Grizz, and the women.”
I give a nod. At least it’s not the entire club. “I’m gonna get my head down for a few hours before I go get her.”