Page 18 of Fletch


“You heard me, get the fuck out of my house.”

“We’re getting married. Come on, don’t act crazy.”

My eyes widen. “Are you serious? Get the hell out!” I march over to his wardrobe and pull it open. His clothes are hanging neatly and it pisses me off. He’s always so fucking tidy. I begin to rip them from the hangers and throw them into a heap on the bed.

“Gemma, we’ve paid for some of the wedding and the invites have gone out.”

I ignore him as I grab a suitcase from under the bed, fighting with it when it gets caught. “Were you with her last night?” He sighs again before nodding. “You prick. You made me think I was being unreasonable.”

“I swear, I was gonna end it before we got married.”

“Lies,” I call out, throwing his clothes into the case. “Yah know what happened today?” When he doesn’t respond, I laugh while tugging the zip closed. “A man kissed me.”

“What?” He has the audacity to look pissed.

“I know, it’s almost unbelievable that a man actually looked at me like I was the hottest thing in the room and then kissed me. And it was a good kiss,” I rant, hauling the case from the bed and shoving it against his chest. “And I pictured him bending me over the desk and fucking me.” I give a loud, crazy-sounding laugh. “And Christ, I wanted him too so badly. I wanted that feral sex I used to have before I met you.” I shove him again. “But do you know what I did? I pushed him away. I told him to stay the hell away from me because I was getting married.” I laugh again. “I’m a fucking idiot.”

“This isn’t like you,” he mutters.

“It is,” I yell. “It’s exactly like me, but keeping hold of you was just another thing I was trying to do to please my fucking father. He said I wouldn’t keep a good man like you.” I groan out loud, throwing my head back. “A good man.” I shake my head with a huff. “I really thought you were, but it turns out you’re just like the rest. Now, get out, I never want to see you again.”



Iclose my eyes and let my head fall back as London sucks my cock like a goddamn vacuum. “Jesus,” hisses Nyx, moving faster. “We need to swap.”

London releases me, and I growl in frustration, grabbing a handful of her hair and guiding her back to my erection. “I’ll tell you when to stop,” I snap.

Nyx grunts, shuddering through a release. “Fuck, man, I wanted to come in her mouth.”

“Stop bitching. You’re ruining my mood,” I mutter, feeling the build-up of my own orgasm. I hold London’s head, pushing my cock farther down her throat until I release, growling with each spurt.

I let go of her, and she coughs hard, digging her nails into my thigh. “What the fuck you gotta do that for?” she snaps, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. “You don’t gotta choke me, you dick.”

Nyx laughs, moving over to the couch and grabbing his pack of cigarettes. London stomps out, not bothering to gather her clothes. “Moody bitch,” I say, grabbing the sheet and pulling it over myself. “She’s so uptight these days.”

“Don’t be falling to sleep on me,” Nyx says, lighting his cigarette. “We’re hitting the town.”

“I’m knackered,” I mutter. “You go without me. Have a good night.”

“Brother, you’ve been a grumpy arsehole all week.”

“I’m serious,” I tell him. “I need some sleep.”

I wake with a start. My mobile is vibrating across the bedside table, and I snatch it up, answering without checking the caller id.

“Brother,” Nyx drawls.

“I told you, I ain’t coming,” I snap.

“You might change your mind when I tell you who I’m currently looking at,” he pauses before adding, “your pig.”


“Didn’t you say she was getting married?”