The dragons who still pursued us break off, and Jianyu's dragon bursts free from the clouds of ash and dust.
"Anybody on our tail?" Rafe asks.
I chance a glance back. "No."
"They have bigger things to worry about," Jianyu promises, rejoining us, a cold edge to his words that makes me glad we're on the same side--at least for now.
"We need someplace to land," Rafe says.
I search outward, looking for land. Jianyu darts ahead. "This way."
My instincts echo his, and we fly and fly.
Ember is still coughing up water in Rafe's arms, still shivering with cold. Steam rises off of his scales, and she burrows in.
A part of me wants to see red, but I'm too grateful to be angry at Rafe for holding my mate. I said I wouldn't share, but his fire is keeping her alive. Jianyu's assault of stone and rock gave us the opening we needed to flee.
I drowned dozens of Shadow Dragons today. But the grim reality is inescapable: I couldn't have rescued Ember on my own.
That fact is all the more irrefutable as my injury makes itself known. Gritting my teeth, I fly on.
I'm grateful when at long last we come to an island. Its shore is deserted, but I keep up my guard.
Rafe drops to the sand, his dragon receding even as he's setting down. Returning to his human form, he clutches Ember to his chest. He snaps his fingers, and a fire lights itself from some driftwood a couple of feet away.
I let my dragon fall away as well, coming to crouch beside them. Jianyu joins us, reaching out.
"Are you--" he starts, brushing her wet hair back from her face. Glancing first at Rafe and then at me, he swallows. "Is she--?"
I can feel her. Her lips are pale, but color is returning to her cheeks. I put my hand over hers and give it a gentle squeeze. Her pulse is fast but strong.
"Come on, beloved," I coax. Healing magic has never been my strong suit, but I try to push what power I have into her veins. Panic claws at me, no matter how hard I work to push it down. "Open your eyes." My throat catches. "We're here." My animosity toward Jianyu and Rafe washes away; there'll be time for me to sort out my feelings toward them and our situation later. For now, I rub my thumb into Ember's palm, beseeching both her and the gods alike. "All three of us," I croak. "Your mates."
I must be dreaming.
The last thing I knew, I was plummeting into icy waters, the Shadow Dragon Citadel crumbling beneath me. I was aware of being lifted--of a fight going on around me. Then there was a glow, building in the center of my chest, the brilliant strands of connection flaring back to life inside me. I felt heat and safety.
I also felt like I had half an ocean's worth of water lodged in my lungs.
I cough again, my windpipe raw. As I do, strong, warm arms support me. I blink, trying to bring the world into focus.
I'm not dreaming.
I'm on a beach somewhere. And surrounding me are all three of my mates.
Those golden tendrils of connection lock into place, flaring with life--only they're not just gold. They're silver and glowing aquamarine, and they're the best things I've ever felt in my life. Before my eyes, they weave together with a vibrating string of soft black-violet, and as much as that terrifies me, it's right.
There's still one note missing from the perfect harmony of it all, but I can't focus on that right now.
"You're here," I breathe, drinking them in. "All three of you." I start to laugh, but just end up coughing up salt water again. "Together."
My gaze darts among them. Rafe is holding me, his skin fiery hot, his golden eyes full of adoration and rage. Beside him is Jianyu. His normally tan skin is paler than usual, his gaze electric, his entire being radiating concern.
And then there's Malik. His warm hand on my skin glows with blue light, a sweet softness flowing into me from the contact. With effort, I reach down to place my hand over his, and he smiles. Every part of him is vibrating with relief.
"What's wrong?" I ask.