Someone clears their throat, and my stomach plummets. Not only did I not manage to get us to an exit, I landed us in a part of the castle that's decidedly occupied.
I turn around.
And there, sitting in an upholstered chair, a book in her hands and her mouth open in a wide O, is Princess Aria of the Air Kingdom.
As our gazes meet, Aria's eyes fly wide. "You're her--the one they're looking for."
"I'm a friend," I promise, scrambling.
How the hell did I end up here?
I want to bury my face in my palms. Better question: how could I possibly have imagined I would end up anywhere else?
I was so focused on trying to locate any shred of Air Dragon magic. Of course I would accidentally open a portal to the only other person of Air Dragon descent in the citadel.
Panic claws at me all over again. I needed to find an exit. My magic is new, its limits untested, but I'm pretty sure I've pushed it to its breaking point. I search outward again, trying to find other sources of Air or Water. Maybe I can still manage to summon another portal.
But then I look at Aria, staring at me with crinkled brows. She looks so wrong, dressed in Shadow Dragon colors.
I swallow hard. Everything about what's happening to her right now is wrong. I don't know how she ended up getting engaged to the Shadow Dragon King, but it can't have been her choice.
And then it dawns on me. Appearing here was a mistake.
But what if it's also an opportunity?
I can save Princess Aria. I can bring her to Storm.
For half a second, I dare to imagine showing up at his mansion and presenting his long-lost sister to him. Those gray eyes of his would flash silver with gratitude and awe. He'd say my name so softly.
In our time together, he was the one with all the power. I was helpless and defective, and he was ashamed of being with me.
I bet he wouldn't be ashamed then.
But I would be. Talk about the crappiest, most selfish motivation possible for helping someone.
Pushing all thoughts of Storm away, I continue, "I'm from the Air Dragon Kingdom." I have to swallow back bile to tell her, "I was friends with your brother."
She sits up straighter, setting her book aside. "Storm sent you?"
"Not exactly." I shake my head. "Just--it doesn't matter. Come with us." Gods above, let me have one more portal left. "We can help you escape."
It's the wrong thing to say. Her entire face falls, and her mouth pinches inward. She lets out a sad laugh and waves a hand dismissively. "There's no helping me. My fate is sealed."
My stomach turns as wafts of purple smoke drift from her fingertips. What has King Erembour done to her?
Delaynie tugs at my sleeve. "We have to go."
"A door, a door," Mariutza sings, sounding far away again.
Princess Aria lifts her face to the ceiling, and her eyes roll backward until all I can see are the whites. "King Erembour," she intones, and her voice is not her own.