"Of course I have." He must be able to feel the way I soften, because he does, too. For the first time since I entered the room, he takes a step into my space. "It was the least I could do."
"I don't know," I say, a little dizzy, getting whiplash from all the twists and changes. "A minute ago, you were selling me on 'not killing them' as being a pretty good compromise."
He laughs, and the sound warms my heart. He reaches out and takes my hand in his. "Better lodgings are something you asked for that I could make happen. Besides not murdering them."
"Thank you."
"Would you like to see?"
"Can I?"
He pulls out a tablet-like device, and I try to conceal my disappointment. It wasn't as if I expected to go to their new location right this instant.
I glance at the screen. It's uncanny how much it looks like a normal tablet, and yet how different it is as well. None of the icons are familiar, and they're not arranged the way I would expect them to be.
He taps at a couple of brightly colored dots, and the screen shifts to a camera view. It's pointed at a nicely appointed living room in what appears to be a spacious home. There's a couch and a couple of recliners, as well as a large screen on the opposite wall. A set of stairs leads upward, implying more space beyond the camera's purview.
I breathe out a quiet sigh of relief. My mates might not be with me, but at least they'll be comfortable while we sort things out.
"Hello?" Malik says.
"Yo," Rafe's voice replies from somewhere off-camera.
My heart lifts, and I bring my hands to my mouth.
Rafe and Jianyu appear on opposite sides of the screen. Malik's and my faces must be projected someplace they can see, because they both race over at once.
"Ember," Jianyu says.
"Rafe, Jianyu--" I can't keep the wobbly emotion from showing in my voice. "Are you all right? Where are you?"
"Someplace safe," Malik promises. He reaches down and takes me by the hand, and I let him. The simple touch, combined with seeing my other mates, unlocks something inside of me. Tingles shoot up my arm, and in the very center of my chest, there's a flood of warmth.
Rafe rolls his eyes. "We're okay."
"We don't know where," Jianyu supplies, "but it's nice. There's a whole house. Well-guarded, of course. But comfortable."
"With room for me to get away from this uptight prick." Rafe juts a thumb in Jianyu's direction.
I muffle a laugh. Rafe's word are rude and crass, but his tone is almost affectionate. These two have come a long way--thank the gods. I don't know how they would have handled being locked in a house together just a few weeks ago.
"Try to play nice," I tease.
I long to reach out for them. Holding Malik's hand feels so right, but it would be even better with my other mates touching me, too.
"We will," Jianyu promises.
Rafe lifts a brow. "Hopefully we'll see you soon?"
I look to Malik, but the openness to his expression fades away. "We'll see."
Rafe and Jianyu and I talk for another couple of minutes--just long enough for us all to assure each other that we're really, truly all right. Eventually, Malik gives my hand a gentle squeeze.
"I'm sorry to cut this short." He's not, but I appreciate that he's being civil. "We'll find another time for you to be in touch."
"We'll try to fit it into our schedule," Rafe quips, and Jianyu elbows him.
"Take care," Jianyu tells me. His eyes are warm with things we haven't said, but I feel them, even from across the distance.