Page 126 of Love to Hate You

Chapter Forty


I slide onto my seat for sociology just as Dr. Stein shuffles through a handful of papers at the podium and glance around the room looking for Carter, but don’t see him. Last week, he would sneak in at the last minute and then quietly slip out again as soon as class was dismissed. Since it was obvious that he wasn’t ready to talk, I gave him his space. But now we’re into the second week and nothing has changed. He’s still crashing at the football house. The only time he ventures to the apartment is when he knows I’m not there.

Does he really need to go to such lengths to avoid me?

Well, I’m done letting Carter skulk around campus and hide from me.

Five minutes into class, I take another peek around the room and discover that Carter has parked himself in the last row right next to the door. For the rest of the hour, I sit and stew. A mixture of emotions roils through me. I’m saddened that it’s come to this. I genuinely miss Carter. For years he’s been a part of my life. Sure, he used to annoy the hell out of me, but he was always there. Then we got together, and our relationship shifted. It became more than I ever dreamed possible and now…

Now it’s gone.

A void has been created in his absence. One that is impossible to fill.

I’m barely paying attention to the lecture when Dr. Stein calls on me to answer a question. My day goes from bad to worse as I stumble through an explanation. The more I grasp at straws, the more Dr. Stein’s brows slide together.

By the time I’m done rambling, I want to sink through my chair and vanish.

Five minutes prior to class ending, I pack up my bag and wait impatiently for her to release us. The moment Dr. Stein signals the end of class, I jump from my seat, ready to fly out of the room so that I can catch Carter before he disappears. It doesn’t take super sleuthing skills to realize that he intends to ditch me.


“Daisy, would you mind sticking around for a few minutes, please?”

Everything within me deflates at the sound of Dr. Stein’s voice. Carter turns, his gray gaze latching onto mine. Sadness passes over his face as he slips through the lecture hall door.

I’m so frustrated that I’m tempted to swear a blue streak. Instead of doing exactly that, I plaster a smile on my face as I turn and walk back down the steps to the lectern. “Hi, Dr. Stein, what’s up?”

She shuffles a few papers around and tucks them into a sleek burgundy briefcase. “How’s everything going, Daisy?”

I boost my smile and lie through my teeth. “It’s good. Why?”

She shrugs and leans her elbows on the podium as if settling in for a long discussion. Any hope I have of catching Carter disappears.

Her hazel eyes drill into mine. “You’re one of my best students and I’ve noticed lately that you’ve been distracted. You’re having problems with questions that would normally be easy for you to field.”

Embarrassed, I glance away before forcing my gaze back to hers. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” My shoulders slump as I admit, “There is something going on, but I’m trying to work through it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that you’re having a tough time.” Her eyes soften. “I hope you know that my door is always open, and you can come to me with any issue you’re struggling with.”

“I do. Thank you.” I force a smile and hitch my bag a little higher on my shoulder hoping that’s all she wants to discuss.

Instead of dismissing me, her voice lowers. “Normally I wouldn’t mention anything, but I feel like we’ve developed a personal relationship since you’ve been at BU.” She searches my gaze for confirmation. “Am I wrong about that?”

Not at all. Dr. Stein is right up there with a few of my favorite graphic arts professors.

I shake my head, giving her the go ahead to continue.

“You and Carter Prescott,” she pauses as if struggling to put her thoughts into words. “Were the two of you involved in a relationship?”

I blink, surprised that she’s bringing up Carter. “Yes, we were seeing each other.”

Her gaze remains unflinching as she drops her chin. “But that’s no longer the case?”

“No,” I admit quietly. “We’re…”
