The tension fades from Karen’s dark eyes, and she smiles. “I made Natalie’s favorite tonight. Beef stroganoff.”
“What a coincidence! That just so happens to be one of my favorites, too.” I look adoringly down at Natalie, who is still wrapped in my arm. I’m surprised she hasn’t stomped on my foot yet. “See how much we have in common, muffin? It’s like we’re a match made in heaven.”
“Or hell,” she grumbles under her breath so that her mother doesn’t hear.
“Semantics,” I agree jovially.
Together we walk into the kitchen. Behind her mother’s back, Natalie glares and mouths, I’m going to kill you. She slashes her finger across her neck to add emphasis.
I grin at her antics. She’s adorable all heated up like this. Luke’s right—I really do take perverse pleasure in riling her up. It’s oddly satisfying.
Her mother bustles around the kitchen, taking containers out of the refrigerator as we both take a seat at the kitchen island. Karen fixes me a plate with noodles and a heaping of meat-drenched sauce and pops it in the microwave. “What can I get you to drink, Brody?”
“Water’s fine. Thank you, Mrs. Davies.”
She grabs a plastic bottle from the fridge and places it in front of me. “Seeing that you’re my daughter’s boyfriend—the one I never heard of—you should probably call me Karen.” She glances at Natalie and adds, “Don’t think for a moment that we won’t talk about this tomorrow.”
Natalie groans and lays her forehead against the granite of the island.
When the microwave dings, Karen pulls out the plate and sets it in front of me with a fork. “Hope you like it.”
“Thank you. And don’t worry, I’ve yet to meet a homecooked meal that I didn’t enjoy.” Without further ado, I shove the first bite into my mouth. My eyes drift shut as I savor the flavors of garlic, red wine, sour cream, and mushrooms. Using my fork, I point to the plate. “This is delicious.”
Karen beams at the compliment. “I’m so glad you like it. There’s more where that came from.”
“It’s seriously amazing. I’m going to have to come home with Natalie more often.” I wink at my fake girlfriend. “Right, babe?”
There’s just a hint of a vibration that rumbles from her chest. It makes my lips curve.
Karen stands silently on the other side of the island. Her eyes continue to ping-pong between us as if she’s trying to solve a puzzle in her head. I keep waiting for her to fire off more questions about our relationship, but she doesn’t.
When I’ve plowed my way through half the plate, she admits, “I’m a little taken aback, Natalie, that you didn’t mention you’ve been seeing someone. You haven’t dated anyone seriously since—”
“We all know since who,” Natalie says sharply.
That douchebag asshole otherwise known as Reed Collins is who I’m guessing they’re talking about. I honestly don’t understand how he could have had a girl like Natalie by his side and cheated on her. It defies logic.
Hurt and surprise flash across Karen’s face. “You always tell me what’s going on.”
“Yeah, well…” Natalie trails off, looking uncomfortable.
Remorse pricks at my conscience for putting her in this situation. My intention had been to give Natalie a little crap. I never expected her mother to be hurt by it. Now I feel like an ass.
Natalie sighs. “The only reason I didn’t mention it was because the relationship is so new.”
Karen shrugs, seeming to accept her daughter’s words at face value. “Okay.” Her eyes fasten onto mine. “Well, I’m glad you stopped by tonight and that we had the chance to meet.”
“Me, too,” I say sincerely. “And thanks for dinner. It was great.”
“I should probably get ready.” Karen glances at her daughter and nibbles her lower lip. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay home? It’s not too late for me to cancel.”
Natalie shakes her head. “I’ll be fine, Mom. I’m going to rent a movie and chill.”
Karen’s eyes light up. “Maybe Brody can stick around and keep you company while I’m gone.”
Natalie looks thrown by the idea. “No, I’m sure he has—”
“I’d love to,” I cut in smoothly. This couldn’t have worked out more perfectly if I’d planned it myself. “Thanks for suggesting it.”