When she tries snuggling against me, I gently, but firmly pry her hands off me. Whatever this girl is looking for, she’s not going to get it from me.
Her brows wing up in disbelief. “So, the rumors are true? You have a girlfriend?”
“Yup. Totally true. I’m a taken man,” I add in case she doesn’t take the hint.
She pouts. “That’s too bad.” Her fingers go to the round scoop neck of her shirt and trail leisurely over the edge, which lies against the creamy skin of her chest.
I raise a brow.
Such an obvious ploy. I’m onto you, girl. Trying to get me to check out your tits by drawing my eyes there…Not happening today.
Her lips curve into a sly smile. “I won’t tell if you don’t,” she whispers huskily.
I shake my head. “Sorry, if I wanted to fool around with other chicks, I wouldn’t be in a relationship.” I give her a penetrating look. “I’m sure you can appreciate that.”
She sighs. “Natalie is a lucky girl.”
I give her a little wink. “You be sure to tell her that the next time you see her.”
“I will.”
I chuckle at the image of Natalie flipping her lid if people actually start telling her how lucky she is to be dating me.
Just as I’m trying to come up with an exit strategy, I spot Luke coming through the front door. He and Zara have been attached at the hip lately, so I hope Natalie is with them.
“If you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I need to talk to.”
“Okay,” she says wistfully. “Bye, Brody.”
I give her a wave and take off. I don’t have to push and shove my way over to them. The crowd parts as I move through it. Once I reach Luke and Zara, I’m disappointed to see that Natalie’s not with them.
Damnation, that girl vexes me.
“Where’s your roommate?” I ask Zara.
“Well, hello to you too, Brody,” she says in greeting. “Always nice to see you.”
I raise a brow and wait impatiently for an answer. “I thought Davies would be with you.”
Zara shakes her head as Luke slips an arm around her and pulls her close. “She needed some time to herself.”
What does that mean? “So, she’s at your place?”
Because if she is, then that’s exactly where I’ll be heading. My threat wasn’t an idle one. I’m going to find that girl if it’s the last thing I do.
“No.” She bites her lip and glances at Luke. “I think she just wants to chill by herself. It’s been kind of a shitty week for her.”
Zara’s giving me the runaround, and I don’t like it one bit. I want to know where Natalie is. “If she’s not here or at your apartment, where the heck is she?”
Not taking kindly to my tone, Zara narrows her eyes. She may be tiny and sprite-like, but she’s an ass-kicker. It’s not difficult to understand why she and Natalie are such good friends. They both subscribe to a take-no-prisoners mentality. “Why do you want to know?”
I shrug, trying to reel in my impatience. “We made plans. She’s supposed to be here.”
When she doesn’t say anything, I glance at Luke for support.
He grins at his girlfriend. “Come on, babe, just tell him where she is. Otherwise, he’s going to hound you all night. You really want that?”
Zara sighs. Annoyance is written across every line of her face. “I dropped her off at her mother’s house a couple of hours ago, okay?” She rolls her eyes. “She’s staying there for the weekend.”