Page 11 of Hate to Love You


He narrows his eyes. “You sure about that?”

I hold up my hands. “I’ve never touched her.” Trust me, if I’d slept with Natalie, even back in freshman year, I’d remember. Something like that would be permanently singed into my brain.

He shakes his head like he doesn’t understand it either. “Normally girls are falling all over themselves to get to you. That one would be happy to rip you to pieces with her bare teeth.”

I drag my gaze from her backside as she disappears through the crowd. Even though I don’t believe it for a minute, I say, “Don’t let her crusty exterior fool you. Deep down, she’s in love with me. She just has a funny way of showing it.”

He chuckles. “Yeah…I don’t think so, dude. I’ve never seen anyone hate on you more.”

He’s probably right. I’ve known Natalie for three years, and her opinion of me has never changed. We had a business class together freshman year where she first caught my eye.

She’s a beautiful girl with long, thick hair the color of teak that falls to the middle of her back. I can’t deny that I’ve been tempted to sift my fingers through those dark, silky strands a couple dozen times. Maybe more. Have I actually attempted it?

Hell, no.

I enjoy having five fingers on each hand. It makes playing hockey easier.

Then there are her wide eyes that match the shade of her hair. Even though she’s tall and slim, she’s got a nice set of tits on her. They look to be the perfect handful. Anything bigger would be too much for her slender frame.

I know this because I’ve spent a good amount of time staring at her from the corner of my eye whenever we’ve had class together. Her perky breasts make my mouth water. Excellent peripheral vision isn’t just useful for playing hockey. It’s also advantageous for scoping out girls when you don’t want to get caught ogling. While some chicks enjoy an appreciative look cast in their direction, others will claw your eyes out.

Natalie unequivocally falls into the claw-your-eyes-out category. I saw her deck some dude last year for giving her the once-over. Now, there’s a girl who knows how to throw a punch. That probably shouldn’t be so hot, but it is. I sported some major wood just watching her take care of business.

Although that’s nothing new around her. Anytime she’s in the vicinity I get a semi.

“You know she was with Reed Collins last year.”

I shrug like I’m not keeping tabs on her.

“That’s why Zara and I had to sneak around for a while,” he says. “Guess Collins left a bad taste in her mouth.”

Because we’re both immature assholes, we snicker.

“That’s not an image I need in my head,” I say. I don’t want to think about that guy being anywhere near Natalie’s mouth. Much less that.

Luke grins. “I couldn’t resist.”

Did I know she was with Collins last year?

You bet your damn ass I did. It aggravated the hell out of me to see her with that douchebag player. Thank God, it didn’t last more than a couple of months because he was hooking up behind her back.

Which only pissed me off more.

I may enjoy giving Natalie shit, but I don’t care to see anyone else mess with her. And Reed Collins screwed her over big time.

Here are my thoughts on the matter: If you want to nail all the pussy you want, then by all means, have at it. Just don’t have a girlfriend while you’re doing it.

Simple enough, right?

Reed had other thoughts on the matter. Which isn’t a surprise. The guy is a total tool. I’ve always thought so. We came in together as freshmen and played against each other a number of times during juniors. Of course, he’s a center. Puck hogs who are glory hounds usually are. The guy isn’t a team player and that, I have a problem with.

But that’s just my opinion.

I’m pretty easygoing and laid-back. I get along with all of my teammates. He’s the exception. We just rub each other the wrong way. I’ve got no love for the guy. Reed thinks he’s a better player than what he really is. I bet it chafes his ass that I was picked up by an NHL team straight out of high school, while he’ll enter the draft later this year.

Finishing off his drink, Luke says, “You take a strange amount of joy in riling that girl up.”