With a heart full, I turn away from the bookmobile and look up at Shaw. “How about some super galactic burgers?”
He laughs, then frowns, pouting at the books. “Don’t you want to take one?”
I shake my head. “No. I’ll just get a copy from the store.” I smile.
Penny’s mission is to put books into the hands of readers who can’t afford to buy them, and I hope she succeeds. Everyone deserves the chance to explore magical worlds and romantic tales. Not everyone has the means to do what Penny is doing—it’s truly admirable, and I’m so glad I stumbled upon her bookmobile. I really hope she finds my note.
“Let’s get you fed,” Shaw says, placing his hand on my lower back and guiding me toward the truck.
As he helps me into the truck and holds the door open, I look up at him. “Hey, Shaw.”
“Thank you for the best day ever.”
“There’s no need to thank me,” he replies, suddenly looking shy. I love Shaw’s wild, untamed side, but his shy side makes my knees weak and my heart flutter.
“I do need to,” I say, settling back. “You’ve given me some of the best days and memories I’ll treasure forever.” I gaze at him, my voice soft.
Silence falls between us before he furrows his brow and whispers, “I’m afraid.”
My heart stops at how vulnerable he sounds. “What are you afraid of?”
He swallows, his eyes locked with mine, troubled. “I’m afraid of bringing a kid into this world and having them inherit some of my mom’s issues.”
My heart aches with the weight of his words. How could he think that? A child of his would be nothing short of perfect. What happened to his mom was tragic, but it’s something that can be managed with the right help. Mental health issues are serious and have claimed many lives, but I truly believe that with medical support and a strong support system, someone can lead a pretty damn good life.
Shaw’s mother didn’t have that.
Clearing my throat, I reach out and touch his cheek. “I don’t believe that,” I whisper, drawing his attention. Shaw presses his face into my palm, and I continue, “You would be so lucky, because I know in my heart that life will bless you with someone as amazing as you are, and that baby would be the luckiest kid on the planet to have you as their dad.”
Something in his gaze shifts—the sadness that had been there moments before melts away, revealing something new—love. I see it in the warmth of his eyes just before he pulls me closer, his grip firm as he captures my lips in a kiss. It’s a kiss that steals the air from my lungs, as if he needs me to breathe just as much as I need him. As we kiss, the evening wind rustles the flowers that adorn the bookmobile in our direction, creating a scene straight out of a romance novel. Here I am, being devoured by my own grumpy yet undeniably sweet hero. Life couldn’t get any better than this.
But I am wrong. It could.
Space Note
“There are currently 88 constellations officially recognized. The one on your face is my favorite one.”— E
“For you I turn night into day.” — S
As I wake to the gentle patter of rain against the window, I can’t help but smile at the sight of Ella sleeping peacefully beside me. Her not-so-delicate snore somehow sounds endearing as hell. I lean closer, kiss her small button nose, and then her forehead, marveling at how content she looks next to me.
I’ve never shared a bed with a woman before; I certainly don’t bring them here to the ranch. It always feels too damn intimate, but here she is, sleeping soundly next to me. Her sweet scent is all over my sheets and skin.
Propped up on one elbow, I watch her as she sleeps. Her breathing is steady and soft, rising and falling gently in sync with the rhythm of my own heart.
I touch her cheek with my fingertips, admiring how breathtaking she looks at this moment. Her hair, having tumbled out of the ponytail she went to bed with, spreads across the pillow in a dark, tousled cascade. A curl falls delicately across her face, tickling her cheek and drawing a sleepy smile.