Page 128 of Sweet Madness

My family will cherish these memories forever, so it’s worth it.

“Oh hush, Haven.” Mom tells my sister while holding my baby closer to her chest. “She’s my grand baby.”

Haven rolls her eyes with a smile and then moves toward the appetizer table.

My heart feels like it will burst with happiness at any moment as I look around the terrace with family members mingling under the shade of trees adorned with twinkling lights, their laughter and chatter filling the air.

“Mama,” Holley babbles, her voice so sweet that it makes my insides melt with love. Her tiny hands come up to touch her miniature helmet.

Walking toward my daughter, I kiss her chubby cheek. “Hi, baby girl.”

“Dada.” Holley shrieks happily, drawing my attention behind me.

Suddenly, Shaw appears with a mischievous grin, carrying a small white pony adorned with a pink bow and a basket filled with tulips. Gasps of surprise and delight fill the air as he surprises his daughter with her first pony.

“You got her a pony?” Uncle Benji steps forward and clasps Shaw’s shoulder. “Of course you did, fucker.”

Holley squeals with happiness, her tiny hands reaching out eagerly toward the pony, her eyes shining with excitement.

“Don’t cuss around my daughter.” Shaw snaps at my uncle and then reaches for Holley. She willingly lets go of Mom and holds onto her favorite in the entire world.

Her father.

I know the feeling too well. He was my favorite person as well.

My eyes brim with tears of happiness as I watch my husband put my daughter on top of the pony.

Grabbing my Polaroid camera from the birthday cake table, I take a photo of them, capturing this moment forever.

My husband looks down at our girl with so much love and adoration in his eyes that it makes me emotional. And to think he once thought he didn’t want kids, that he wasn’t dad material.

He’s the best dad and loves his girl so much. Holley is one lucky little girl.

I move closer, wrapping my arms around my little family in a tender embrace, my heart overflowing with love for them.

Then Mom and Dad join us. “We’re so proud of you, Ellaiza,” Mom remarks with tender eyes as she looks down at my daughter. “You, too, Banning,” Dad says roughly without looking at Shaw.

Dad has come around to the idea of Shaw and me, but he’s still hesitant and blames my husband for, and I quote, “stealing his little girl.”

I smile at my parents and then look up at Shaw. He swallows hard, as if my father’s words have an impact on him. Beautiful man…

“Thank you, sir,” Shaw nods.

“Poopoo.” Holley squeals when she notices her grandfather standing close. “Poopoo.”

Mom throws her head back and laughs, while I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing as well. My little sister Everly is a beautiful menace. She taught my kid to call her only grandfather Poopoo instead of Papa.

“Oh, this is gold.” Mom, noticing Dad’s annoyance, smiles even harder and kisses his cheek lightly. “Stop pouting, Sebastian. You’re a grown man.”

Dad growls and then says, “You say that, Darling, because you’re not the one being called Poop by our first grandchild.”

“Well, you have Everly to thank for that.” That makes him suck it up. Everly is the light of his life and his youngest princess. She can do no wrong, and it shows.

After watching Holley play with her pony’s mane and giggle with delight, she grows tired, and Mom takes her in her arms until she falls asleep. She’s been up all day, and because of the party, she skips nap time. She must be exhausted.

Stepping back, I take it all in. I watched my entire family gathered together in my happy place—Sunshine Stables.

My sisters, Haven, Ambrose, and Everly, can be seen from afar walking through the tulip field I spent most of my afternoons in. I smile when I see Everly acting as her sisters’ photographer, no doubt for social media content.