“What is it, malen’kiy, korol?”

He raises his gaze, piercing me with it. “I wish… I wish I had a dad like you.”


I’ve never cried.

I don’t remember a single moment in my thirty-three years of age when a single tear fell from my eyes. Not even when I lost Mikhail. I was too angry to cry.

But right here. At this moment with my son tearing my heart apart with his words and wishes I feel my throat closing and my eyes start to burn.

The words are there… tell him…

But before the words ’you are mine’ leave my mouth my son gives me his back and walks away as if he just didn’t tear my goddamn world apart.

“Azariel…” I whispered to my son, making him stop and stare back at me. “It won’t always feel like this.” He looks at me as if he doesn’t believe me. I guess if someone would’ve told me that at his age and after all he’s been through I would believe it is all bullshit too. “I promise you. Just hang on a little longer, little king.”

With a maturity not many children possess, Azariel takes one last look at me, nods in understanding and leaves me standing there with half of my heart bleeding at my feet.

“What did you do to him?” A sultry and very pissed off voice says from behind me. Turning, I find Kadra standing dressed head to toe in black staring daggers at me. Oh, yes she’s more than pissed.

She looks like a lioness ready to sink her sharp teeth into her prey.

“Nothing. He will always be safe with me if that’s what you’re wondering,” I say a little too harshly, feeling defeated at the moment. Fuck. If forever were easy it wouldn’t be worth it. I remind myself.

Kadra looks at me suspiciously. No doubt my answer surprises her. A long moment passed while we both just stared at one another then she strides my way in five-inch heel boots. I was too busy feeling fucking sorry for myself that I hadn’t notice just how fucking gorgeous she looks right now. Once she’s close enough I’m able to smell her intoxicating fragrance. Vanilla mix with something else. Perhaps a flower? Whatever it is she smells like heaven or what I would imagine heaven to smell like. It would be that. Her long brown hair is straightened to perfection and falls down her back. She has make-up on too. More than she normally wears. A smokey look and her eyelashes look longer than usual. The dark eye look makes her eyes pop so much that she looks unreal. Like a goddess. Like a painting that’s worth millions and it’s showcased in only the most notorious museums in the world.

A Monalisa.

Then my eyes fall from her face to her neck where there’s a gold chain with a broken heart locket and the letter A. The organ keeping me alive beats wildly when I think of her wearing the first letter of my son’s name on her neck. So, fucking sweet my dark queen.

My eyes follow the path from her neck down to the rest of her. She’s wearing what seems like a black sleeveless turtleneck and a leather skirt with a fur coat on top of it.

Out of this world, beautiful.

There’s never been anyone more breathtakingly perfect than this woman right here and there never will.

She’s not showing much skin except her shoulders but that damn outfit should be illegal. It’s skintight and hugs her every curve. Perfection will always be the word that comes to mind when I think about this woman.

The sight of her makes my chest spark with something possessive and feral.

The power this woman holds over me is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Then to look so tempting without really showing much is a talent. She can do nothing wrong. Literally.

“What does Azariel mean to you?” Kadra asks while looking into my eyes. I wonder how much she can truly see.

Can she see the love that shines in my eyes? The need and hunger I have for her.

Without breaking eye contact, I answer. “Everything.”

She flinches as if I hit her. She does that a lot. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.” She whispers, her eyes narrowing into tiny slits.

Leaning forward until my mouth is inches away from hers, I whisper. “You’ll come to learn, love. That I mean every fucking word I say.”

I don’t miss how her body trembles or how her eyes widen in surprise before she masks it. She’s affected by my proximity yet she doesn’t pull away. She feels this too.

“You look beautiful.” I smile when her eyes fall to my mouth. “You take my breath away.” My smile widens when her breath hitches and her chest starts to rise and fall rapidly.

Oh, yes. She’s just as affected by our closeness as I am.