There’s a long pause before Adryel Thorne, my family’s doctor, sighs. “I can’t guarantee that it will work but I am hopeful it will. We caught it just in time but you need to decide quickly because we can’t waste more time. You’ve wasted enough as it is.” Ouch. I know he’s pissed. He’s been hounding me since the moment he gave me the tragic news.

I was so sure before but now…. Looking at them I’m doubting all my plans.

Hugging my bear to my chest, I don’t take my eyes off the scene outside.

“I just need a week. Just give me that.”

“No longer than that. I’ll see you soon.” After that the line goes dead.

A week will never be enough but that’s all I have.

Staring at them now, I know there is no doubt in my mind that my one day in the sun was always meant to be them.

My one day is love.

For however long it lasts.

Today, on this sunny day, I made a wish. A plea to whoever is tasked with a desolate soul like me.

I wish for more time.

With my cat next to me and my childhood bear in hands I remain looking out the window for what seems like an eternity just watching them.

Then I look at the sky, see the clouds and the sun shining so bright with not a dark cloud in sight and I smile.

I smile with my entire heart.

Because after so many memories of us under a gray sky, it’s nice to have one sunny day.

Maybe sunny days are not that obnoxious after all.

Chapter 20



“People like me break beautiful things.” – A

Later that same day, I left my room when I started feeling like myself again. I didn’t want them to see me with a swollen face and puffy from crying eyes. It’s not who I am. Besides, I’m embarrassed enough. I didn’t want Azariel seeing me that way so I took my time and when I was sure I was fully in control of my emotions that’s when I decided to face all of them.

Once outside my bedroom, I enter the hall and look to my left, noticing both Vitali and Azariel’s doors are slightly open. I quickly look inside both rooms only to find them empty. Huh.

Making my way down the stairs I come across Vernon entering the mansion with a bag of groceries in each hand. “You look better.” He looks me up and down as if making sure I am indeed all better.

“I feel better.” I do. I have a long way to go and I’m certain a lot of dark days are ahead of me but right now I’m feeling much better than I did yesterday.

“You scared me,” he says, making me stop on the last step of the stairs.

“It was just a bad day.” I wave it off as if it were nothing.

“It was more than that.” Vernon looks away.

I climb down the last step and walk towards him. “Vernon.”

I sigh and wait for him to give me his eyes and when he does I see in them what I have always seen since the very first time we crossed paths. Sadness. Deep-rooted sadness that has built up for years. “I’m going to be fine.”

“You’re our home.” He grumbles.