You’re delusional, boss. He signs while laughing. For someone who looks like a demon from hell he sure as fuck has a pretty smile. Not that I’ll ever tell the fucker that. I wouldn’t be able to live it down.
“I don’t need to tell you this because I know you and I trust you.” I make sure to look him in the eye when I speak to him. “But if you see anyone treating her like anything less than fucking royalty you tell me. You don’t step in. If you do, my woman will most likely cut your tongue out and hand it to me if you dare fight her battles.” He raises a dark brow. “You just tell me and I’ll handle the fucker after she’s done with them if there’s anything left of course.”
Of course. He nods while he grins. No threat ever fazes Grim but that doesn’t stop me from reminding him just how important that woman is to me. I also don’t need to remind him of Azariel. He knows he is to be treated as an extension of me. Both of them, really.
Do you think he’s alive? Grim signs, changing the topic.
Taking another drag of my cigarette, I watch the smoke disappear in the cold air. “I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. I don’t fucking know. After all these years. Who knows how long he lasted. He could have been killed that same night he was taken from us or maybe he lives. Perhaps I’ll never get my answers but that won’t stop me.
Looking Grim in the eye, I speak again. “I won’t know till I get to each and every cockroach in that organization and even then, nothing guarantees me they’ll tell me anything or if they do it could all be lies.” Taking a deep breath, I drop the cigarette to the ground and put it out with my foot. “I’ll keep looking for him until my last breath. That was my promise to him. To Vladimir too.”
Just when the atmosphere turns dark with misery and regret that’s when the sweetest melody sounds in the air. A melody I know by heart.
Clasping Grim’s shoulder I order. “It’s late. Get some sleep.”
To that he nods, gives me a knowing smile and then retreats inside the mansion.
While I let the beautiful melody guide me as I make my way to the garden that’s located in the back of the mansion. A garden filled with beautiful flowers that still don’t hold a candle to the beauty in white sitting peacefully on a fountain playing the cello like an angel in heaven.
Looking at her now with her mahogany hair being softly blown by the wind, eyes closed and a peaceful expression on her face, I think of how life would’ve turned out if I had never stumbled upon her in that cemetery all those years ago. It would have been dulled and dark, empty too.
If someone would’ve told me that the little girl dressed in black holding a teacup sitting where the dead rest would turn out to be the woman who ruled my every thought I wouldn’t have believed them but life has a funny way of turning our worlds upside down and turned it she did.
I could walk up to her and tell her a million things. Tell her how beautiful she looks under the moonlight and how in awe I am of her playing. A million things yet I stay put and watch her from the shadows. It’s all I’ve been doing for all these years. Watching her from the shadows.
Besides, knowing her, if I sneak up on her she will just retreat into herself and hide the Kadra that is soft and kind deep inside her so I can’t reach her. She would give me sass or worse she gives me nothing.
Sass I can handle. Hell, I welcome it, but nothing? That sad emptiness in her eyes? That fucks me up.
But at this moment she doesn’t look broken nor does she look empty. The opposite really. The blue lights inside the water fountain reflect on her white dress and face giving her an almost magical look. She appears otherworldly. Like a goddess who came down to earth to grace us with her presence just for one night.
And her white lace dress that hugs all those hypnotizing curves and shows a whole lot of cleavage, takes my breath away. Never seen her wearing anything but black and her hair is once again loose and not bound either at the nape or up in a high ponytail. Tonight, it falls wild and free down her face and I can’t help but feel an urge to run my fingers through it to find out if it’s as soft as it looks.
My eyes travel down from her face to her neck until they land on her arms and the air gets stuck in my lungs when I notice she isn’t wearing her gloves.
Inching closer I stand behind a rose bush and try to look closer but I can’t see her hands clearly from here.
One day you’ll trust me enough to bare every beautiful inch of you.
One day.
Then as she plays her instrument peacefully, I look at her and only her.
So beautiful.
So sweet.
A side no one sees.
I keep staring until the image of her takes me back to the first time I ever heard her play. The time I got to see just how strong she truly is.
Kadra 12 - Vitali 22
I shouldn’t be here.
I should be boarding a plane back home to New York but instead I find myself coming back to this depressing as fuck cemetery. I don’t know why I came here really but after dealing with Detroit’s filth all day I just needed to go somewhere where it was quiet.