“Ah,” Vitali turns his head with a knowing smile, his eyes locking with mine. There’s mirth and light in those gray eyes of his as he holds my gaze captive. “I would say she likes me too much.”
And that’s my cue to intervene before his delusion rubs off on Azariel. Clearing my throat, I tell him, “Keep dreaming, Solonik.” I blink as if trying to break the spell the cocky man put me under.
He laughs and I swear something in my chest breaks but it doesn’t hurt. What is this odd feeling in my chest? Why does it never hurt? “Oh, but that’s all I do, kotyonok.” He lazily turns his body towards me. “Want to know what I dream about?” He stopped smiling and now he is looking at me with a spark in his eyes. A challenge. He loves those.
It’s too early for this.
Holding my hand up, I stop him before his crazy ass says something that’ll piss me off and confuse me even more. Never mind, Azariel that’s standing back watching us both now with curiosity. Then I think about Azariel’s words from before. I don’t think she likes you very much…
He picked up on that.
Of course, he did.
I’ve never cared to pretend to act as someone other than myself. My sister, Arianna used to always recite the phrase religiously, I am who I am. And she never, not once apologized for being herself and I lived the same way but perhaps this time is different.
He’s different.
I need Azariel to feel comfortable in my home and my world and how am I going to accomplish that when he’s seeing me treat the Russian as my enemy and not our ally.
At least in front of the boy, I’ll have to pretend for as long as the Russian is here.
With resolve, I step closer, my heels clicking on the path stone as I take the last steps towards them. “Here,” I hand him his phone and then his keys and completely ignore the way my skin warms when his fingers touch mine. I also ignore the way his penetrating gaze lights me on fire and makes my skin prickle with need. Vitali raises a dark brow in question. “You’re not a prisoner in my home.” I clarified.
He takes his time releasing my hand then shoves both items in his back pockets.
“Don’t you want to make a call?” I cross my arms over my chest. “Your family must be worried.”
He shrugs as if he could care less and I know for a fact that is bullshit. I’ve seen the Russians together and I also know they’re a tight bunch. When everything went down with Cara Volpe, they came to her rescue and it was as if they’d known each other all their lives when in reality they found her not long ago.
The back door that connects the kitchen to the back area opens and shuts just as quickly. I notice the second it dawns on him who the man at my back is.
Stepping to the side, I allow room for Vitali’s man to walk forward. While I take in the Russian’s reaction, I also look at the newcomer from the corner of my eye.
The other man has the same skin complexion as his boss and while Vitali is much bigger he’s not as tall as the giant mercenary walking past me at the moment.
I think I’ve never met a man as tall as him. His face is blank, reminding me so much of Vitali’s expressions whenever he looks at someone who is not me or Azariel. It reminds me of the way he looks at Crow and Vernon whenever they enter a room.
The man Vladimir sent for his brother has a buzz cut, dark eyes the same shade as his hair, and exotic features making me think he’s not fully Russian.
The silent man nods at his boss as soon as he’s a foot away.
“Grim,” Vitali says in a deep tone while moving his hand in front of his face at the same time.
Frowning, I wondered why he greeted his man the way he did. While he spoke the words he also used his hands and then it hit me.
A warm fuzzy feeling spreads through my chest as I witness their quiet interaction.
Vitali is communicating with his man through sign language.
So the man can’t speak or maybe he can and he just chooses not to. Who knows.
There’s familiarity between them that’s for sure.