Her tongue is as sharp as her nails.

“If you don’t want me to come in then you better lock your doors, love.” My top lip twitches.

“You’re insufferable.” Giving me a dull look, she then places the hideous cat on the carpet and rises to her feet. I then watch as she strides my way looking every bit of the goddess she is. The empty look on her face is no longer there. In its place, there’s that fire that drives me wild. The fire feeds the predator inside.

My back leaves the bookcases and I straighten. “And you’re beautiful.”

I see the moment my words catch her off guard because she pulls back as if I shot her.

And maybe that is exactly how a compliment feels to her. Perhaps it hurt her. But she needs to hear it until there is no doubt in her mind of just how beautiful she is from the inside out.

Kadra quickly recovers and changes the topic, like she always does when she doesn’t know how to react or shit gets too real. “The second we take care of the bastards, you’re gone.” The vulnerability leaves her and the woman that stands before me is cold and calculated.

“Sure,” I nod with a grin. I’m lying, love. Just like you lie so well.

I wonder if she can see the truth behind my lie.

“Good now–”

“I’m proud of you. You–”

We both speak at the same time. Neither of us finishes our sentences.

Our eyes lock. Gray meeting liquid brown.

Then she shocks the fuck out of me when she extends her gloved hand my way. “I don’t trust so easily, Solonik, but I’m trusting you.”

I don’t trust so easily, Solonik, but I’m trusting you.

Her words are like a shock of electricity through my system.

Without thinking twice, I take her much smaller hand in mine and then pull her closer. I don’t say anything. Instead, I just let her see the truth in my eyes. Just like I’m able to see all she hides from the world through those stunning eyes that are the windows to her soul.

And as I hold her hand, a thousand images flash through my mind of all the blood I’ll spill for her and everything we could be.


One simple word turned my entire goddamn world on its axis.

She made a bitch out of my heart.

My beautiful locksmith.

Chapter 15



“Half goddess, half hell and all mine.” — V

“Where’s Azariel?” I ask Vernon as soon as I enter the kitchen where he’s behind the counter fixing me a cup of coffee.

I usually prefer tea in the morning but after the night I had, I needed a shot of caffeine. How Vernon knows exactly what I need every time it’s still a mystery to me but I don’t question it. The man has proven to be a worthy ally in and out of his kitchen duties. “The boy woke up early and so did the Russian and they’ve been outside since.” He says while handing me a cup of coffee.

Frowning, I turn my head towards the glass double doors that lead to the outside area and find them there. Vitali is pointing at the row of bikes parked right outside the garage that’s closest to the garden.

Yes, I have three garages to fit all my cars and my bikes and that’s including Vernon and Crow’s toys as well. Between us three there are about twelve cars and six bikes.