My eyes are trained on Vitali as he fetches a cigarette from his back pocket and places it in his mouth then lights it up. I watch as he takes a puff and blows the smoke my way.
Most women fall for the charms of a handsome man with sweet words and gentle smiles but not me. I fell for a quiet man with a brooding attitude and bad habits. I always knew I was different from most women and this right here proves it with the way my body buzzes with energy as angry gray eyes burn holes into me as I walk towards him.
Each step towards the man feels like a blow to my heart. I feel it. The subtle beating of my heart as I take the last steps towards the Russian.
Only he could ever affect me this way.
Once I reach the place where he’s standing smoking his cigarette, I don’t waste a moment and take the cigarette from his mouth, dropping it to the ground. The entire place lights up in flames within seconds and all I can do is stare into the Russian’s eyes not wanting to look at anything or anyone else.
I could’ve blown the place up but it wouldn’t have the same effect as watching it slowly deteriorate like the inferno the place was for so many. I want it to take its time burning so that not even the fire department will be able to save it.
I keep looking at Vitali’s eyes and nothing else and I swear I see a million things reflected at me in those perfect stormy eyes of his.
Raise hell you said my beautiful storm.
I did and looked at fate.
I raise hell on earth for everyone who ever hurt me to witness. Everyone who ever hurt the people I love will watch as their lives crumble at my feet.
The word crosses my mind again.
Funny how the same man who once told me to raise hell has always been there either present like now or on the back of my mind giving me the courage and strength I need to succeed.
My Russian lit the match. He started this all.
I just wished I didn’t have to burn into ashes at the end of this road.
For the first time in my life, I wished for something, knowing deep in my gut wishes weren’t meant for people like me.
Chapter 14
“I would sacrifice the world
if it made her smile.” – V
Papa’s words from the past come to mind as my eyes lock on sad whiskey ones. How can someone look so sad yet so strong at the same time? She does. There’s always been a melancholic air surrounding her but also a strength that radiates from within that’s hard to miss. Hard not to fall for it too.
Lost in those beautiful depths of hers, I think of that word that had little meaning before, and now it’s the first thing that comes to mind whenever I look at this woman.
What a strange fucking feeling.
I used to believe love was not meant for a man like me. A man who has many skeletons in his closet and whose hands are filthy with the blood of the enemies I’ve made throughout my life. Yet, while I stood there frozen in the moment— with eyes that reminded me of warm honey while I could do nothing but stand there and fall deeper under her spell—all I could think of— all I could feel was love.
I don’t know when it happened. One day she was just someone from the past who made me care for someone other than my family for the first time and the next she was my whole fucking world. She became everything I thought about. The fuel to my motor. Hell, even the fucking beating of my heart.
This love came out of nowhere like a hurricane and it’s only grown stronger since.
And now when there was only mayhem from the fire around us, she managed to hold me hostage with just one look. A look that tells me she’s not done wreaking havoc yet. She didn’t smile but she didn’t have to. I saw the relief written all over her expression as she stood back, watching her father’s empire burn.
The stubborn woman filled my dark soul with light the second I saw her smile in her home gym while surrounded by knives and weapons meant to end lives. She’s a walking contradiction. One I’m obsessed with.