The beauty around me fades into the background as I watch my sister barreling down the stairs in five-inch heels. A few heartbeats later, she throws herself at me and takes me in her arms, holding me tightly.
The last ice wall around my heart falls.
Wrapping my arms around her, I hugged her back just as tightly.
Breathing her scent in, a feeling of nostalgia and peace creeps up on me.
Taking a deep breath, I whisper, “I know I’m late.” God, I am so late. So many nights and days wasted. So many mistakes.
“You’re here. That’s all that matters.” She whispers hoarsely. My very strong sister is falling apart in my arms and all I can do is hold her closer while my own eyes sting.
“I’m sorry?—”
“Don’t.” Arianna cuts me off. “You have nothing to say sorry for.” Her voice breaks and a tear falls from my eye. Pulling back, Arianna grabs my face and looks into my eyes. Emerald-green meets liquid brown.
So different yet so alike.
That’s how it’s always been.
When we were little Mila used to say that Arianna was the moon and I was the sun and when we met an eclipse would happen. Our youngest sister, Mila, was the eclipse. She was and will always be that magical to us.
I stare into green eyes the same shade as Gabriele but instead of looking into the eyes of evil I see love. Her eyes are shining with love and that’s how I know we made it to the shore. My sister and me. We didn’t drown. We’re home.
Arianna smiles with tears in her eyes before she says, “One day is here.”
One day.
It once felt impossible for us. Three young girls who lived in hell and met the devil more than once and yet here we are.
The long awaited one day with my sisters is here.
Silence falls between us as I think that maybe our one day won’t last long.
“What’s wrong?” Arianna must’ve noticed my change in mood.
I quickly recovered and mustered a smile before I let out a slow exhale. “There’s something I need to tell you.” My heart races and there’s a lump in my throat as I share with my sister the secret I’ve been hiding all these months. The one thing I never thought I would have to tell her.
The smile on her face falters for only a second before that spark of fire my sister always had shines brightly in her eyes.
“We got this.” Arianna whispers before she takes my gloved hand in hers and squeezes it lovingly. “You’re the strongest person I know.”
Hugging my big sister closer, I close my eyes and breathe in through the pain in my heart.
But as I let my sister comfort me, I think of how this is it. This is the first step towards my healing. Towards my forever in the sun with the people I love and Arianna is right.
I’m strong.