Page 131 of Kadra: The Unfeeling

“Go Tali. Before I kill you. I won’t stop. I can’t stop.” Mikhail chokes as another loud boom sounds in the distance.

Shit. Kadra is blowing this place up.

“I’m not leaving without you.”

Mikail stares at me down. “Then your woman dies.”

Another boom shouts. Another explosion.

The building is about to collapse and I still don’t know where Kadra is.

Kicking my gun towards him, I look Mikhail in the eye. “I bled for you every night. I haven’t stopped ever since. You’re my brother. Ours. You can come home. You’re a Solonik. Your place is waiting for you. It has been for years.” Tears fall from my eyes when my little brother looks at me, seeming all of sudden like a lost little boy. “You survived. Fuck, Miky. You survived hell and you’re still breathing. Don’t let the demons win. Come home.”

Mikhail sheds a tear before he wipes it and looks away from me.

“I love you, little brother.” I choke out, coughing as the smoke is getting worse.

Mikhail remains silent just watching the flames taking over the room.

So, I made a choice that will haunt me for the rest of my days.

Leaving a part of myself with my brother, I give him my back and run towards the exit hoping to fucking God I’m not too late.

Hoping that when I get out of this building everyone who means something to me gets out as well.

My brother.

My son.

My love.

But fate had other plans and fuck… it all felt like a shot to the fucking heart.


I’ve always heard that every person, at one point in their lives, experiences a crossroads.

I am at that point.

After looking everywhere for Logan, I found him on the building’s roof waiting for his helicopter to help him escape the chaos with his life. The fucker is trying to flee like a little bitch. Walking towards where he’s standing waiting for the chopper to land on the roof, I take my gun out while feeling for my knife.

I could point my gun to end his life now or I could slice his skin with my knives until he feels everything he put others through throughout his miserable life. I could also go back down and get my family out of this hell I created but I know I won’t be able to breathe as long as Logan Beauregard remains on this earth. Neither will my Azariel. Slowly along the way I realized that yes I want to avenge the girl Logan killed the night he raped me but most of all I want to end his life for hurting my boy. His entire family paid for their sins against the kids they hurt and it is now his turn.

As much as my soul is aching to run and find my people, another part of me, the one that built walls around her so no one could ever hurt her again is screaming to end this once and for all.

End the life of the man who in just one night broke my spirit.

A bullet between the eyes seems too merciful for someone like him.

And even when my body is giving up on me and my breaths are getting harder to take, I still walk forward with my head held up high. Adrenaline fuels me just as much as my hatred does.

“Going somewhere?” I said loud enough for him to turn around and find me standing there behind him.

When he turns, lips quiver like I said something funny. “Ahhh, you caught me.” The maniac smiles as if this is a game to him. As if it thrills him. I guess for sociopaths like him it does. I can’t wait to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. Perhaps I can carve him a new one. “I’m wondering… will you stop me now.” He shoves his hand inside his pants pocket and raises an eyebrow at me. His smile grows wider and the mockery is evident in those soulless eyes. “Or will you fail like last time?”

I growl then blow his kneecap off, making him scream in pain yet the bastard doesn’t fall to the ground.

He will soon.