Page 126 of Kadra: The Unfeeling

Someone went rogue.


Turning my head to the stage, I find it empty. Then I look around the room, anger clouding my vision. I noticed one thing though. That cunt Beauregard is nowhere to be found.

Ring, ring, ring.

Kadra’s phone ringing brings my attention back to her.

She turned the phone for me to see that it was a video call from an unknown number. A sinking feeling turns my stomach. She doesn’t hesitate to answer.

“You…” Kadra hisses with hatred. I move behind her so I can see better. There on the screen is Logan Beauregard smiling like his clock is not running out.

“Me.” He taunts my woman and I make a note to make him pay for that before she shoves her knife in his heart. “You know… it’s kind of poetic how life brought you two miserable fucks together and if you think about it,” the fucker smile widens. “This little romance between you two happened thanks to me. I fucked the bitch and made her for some reason recent me enough to spend years of her life fucking with me and my business and then I took that little bastard from you, Russian and if you asked me I did you a solid too since that kid is all kinds of fucked up.”

I open my mouth but Kadra beats me to it. “I’m going to gut you. I am going to make you feel every single pain you cause. I will…”

“You won’t do shit as long as I have your kid here.” He grins before his eyes turn dark and his expression changes to one of anger. “I’m going to kill all of you and I’ll save you for last so you can see how your world falls apart like you did me, you cunt. I’ll take everyone from you until the pain is so unbearable you’ll be begging for death.” He then turns the phone so we are now able to see Azariel down on the ground looking at a white wall. “Hurry now.” Beauregard taunts. “He is one pretty boy and it cost me a fuck ton when you took New York’s mafia royalty from me, cunt.” Ignoring the fucker, I zero in on the room instead and notice the logo of this building on a envelope sitting on the desk next to Azariel.

Kadra’s eyes lock on mine as the call ends.

She seems to have read my mind. “He’s here.”

I nod.

“Go get your son.” My son. She knows. I search her gaze but there is no anger or accusation in them. Even through the red haze, I see the love she has for my son. Kadra lifts on her tippy toes and gives me a quick kiss. One that feels different from the one before. This one feels like a fucking goodbye. That is why I grab her neck and kiss her deeply before touching my nose to hers and looking in her eyes. “You stay safe, Da? You fight like hell and you wait for me before you do anything crazy.” I tell her almost desperately. This was not how it was supposed to go down. We were in this together and now the fucker managed to split us up.

In a sick way he’s making me choose.

Do I stand by my woman’s side or do I leave her to save my son. Shit.

“I can’t make any promises.” She jokes but her eyes tell a different story. I lift my hand and caress her cheek gently as she closes her eyes, feeling my touch. Then she opens them again and locks eyes with me. “Don’t worry about me, Russian. I’ve been fighting all my life. I can handle him.” She grinned at me, a wide, wolfish expression full of teeth that should have been frightening but was thrilling instead. “This ends tonight…”

I should have stopped her. I should have done more to keep her with me but I chose to trust her strength instead.

I didn’t know that would be the last time I ever held her in my arms.

The last time I tasted her lips.

The last time my heart would beat for a long time.

Chapter 37



“I can’t live without you…” — V

How can a night take such a tragic turn in a matter of hours? I think to myself as I run up the stairs taking them three steps at a time trying to get to Logan as fast as I can before he causes more damage. The only thing that gives me solace is that my men got every server and staff member working tonight out of the building before they end up as casualties in this war that is not theirs to die for. I’m only sacrificing the wolves in sheep’s clothing tonight. Every guest that attended the event knew damn well what they were here for. Those I feel no guilt about sacrificing.

Those pretentious freaks will burn with the building. Maybe in another life they’ll choose not to be sick fucks.

As soon as we arrived at the gala, Vitali did his nerd thing and messed with the signal so no one had contact with the outside. This is it. They thought they were going to leave this place with a child to ruin but now they won’t leave with their lives. They’ll burn until they’re nothing but ashes who will fade with the wind.

“Fuck!” I scream when I enter another office and find it empty. He’s nowhere to be found.

I messed up. I should’ve gotten Azariel out of the country far away from here and now Logan has him. Desperation and sadness blend with the anger I feel inside and I use it as motivation to not give up. I’ll put an end to Logan, his dirty business and Azariel’s nightmares if it’s the last thing I do.