He smiles and I feel trapped inside my body unable to do anything but stand there waiting for him to take the last steps toward me.
He’s so beautiful, the most beautiful man I’d ever seen.
And at that moment, I knew I’d never want anyone as much as I wanted him. My stomach fluttered with him looking at me like that, and now my mind was whirring with a completely different train of thought. His gaze holds me hostage and seems to cut my soul open. I know now that there is nothing I could hide from him, no insecurity, no secret hope or hidden dream. He can see right through me. I never had that before until him.
Now I’m addicted to the feeling.
Vitali takes the last steps that separate us, offering a glass. I accepted it, then took a sip of the bubbly drink, without looking away from his perfect gray eyes. “You were gone for a while,” I mumbled casually.
He raises a dark brow. “You missed me, love?”
I could lie and tell him I didn’t but I’m done with games.
“I did.” My lips twitch when his eyes flash with surprise. I bet he wasn’t expecting my honesty and more sarcastic remarks. “I miss you even when you’re right beside me. How is that possible?” I ask, my voice comes out raw in disbelief and hoping I’m not alone feeling this way.
Vitali takes a sip of his glass before replying. “I don’t know, love. But you have managed to make everything that seemed impossible once, possible.” His eyes penetrate my soul.
The band starts playing their version of “I Don’t Want to Grow up” by Bebe Rexha and the world fades away. It’s just us. Everything else ceases to exist as vivid gray meets liquid brown.
“I’m in awe of you. Madly obsessed with everything about you.” He says before taking the flute from my hands and placing both of them on a tray. “I can’t get enough of you,” he says, straightening a little and then raising his gloved hand between us. Looking down at his large hand, I think about all those hands have done. All the lives they’re taken. I think of how mean they look covered in tattoos. They’re lethal and a threat wrapped in skin, but when it comes to me it’s all softness as I automatically slid my hand into his. “It would be a shame not to have at least one dance with you in this dress.” He tugged me then, a fast jerk that had me falling off-balance in my heels to land hard against his chest. His chuckle rumbled through him and into me as he wrapped his other arm around my hips and started seamlessly to lead me into a dance. My heart banged so loudly in my chest that I was certain Vitali could hear it even over the low swell of music.
And while he holds me in his arms, swinging to the beat of the band, my only thought is that there is nothing I wouldn’t do to stay like this for the rest of my life, wrapped in his arms where I’m safe and where I’m wanted.
There’s no line I wouldn’t cross to keep us this close forever. It’s heaven and hell this feeling I get whenever I am wrapped around his embrace. Just like my Russian.
My walking contradiction. A man who is as sweet as heaven and as mean as the devil.
Yet I wouldn’t change him for anything.
Her deep inhale tells me she’s just as affected by me as I am by having her this close. I wish nothing more than to pick her up and carry her the hell out of this place and fuck her with that damn dress on to make her forget every bad memory being here triggered.
I left her side for a moment to roam around the room trying to memorize every exit just in case shit goes bad but then that cockroach Beauregard appeared on stage talking out of his ass to appeal to the perverts in attendance and I almost said fuck all to our plans. All I saw was a fifteen-year-old Kadra with tears in her eyes and pain in her heart as that motherfucker took what wasn’t his to take. I saw red. Fuck I saw his blood splattered on every single person here. I almost did it. Until I turned and saw my woman standing tall with her head held high while starring daggers at the fucker and I knew that as much as I wanted to send that fucker to hell, that honor is all hers. But I’m here and I’ll be here till the end fighting by her side and when her body gives out on her, I’ll step in and kill every threat that dares come near her.
This obsession with this woman is not healthy but I give zero fucks. It’s a sickness I don’t wish to be cured of.
I love her with every ounce of blood in my body with every breath in my lung. I love Kadra Parisi with everything that I am and now holding her in my arms while we sway gently to the beat of the music, I memorize the way she looks tonight so I can h
old the memory close to my heart whenever days are dark.
She looks stunning tonight. Kadra pulls back, giving me the vantage of the front of that black dress that has been teasing me all damn night. Her tits are pressed up, cleavage barely exposed at the neckline that tipped down. Her chocolate hair falls down her back in soft waves. My dream in the flesh. My stomach twisted, and my heart slowed down and everything inside me stills.
The silky cloth cascades down her body, hugging it tight and showcasing her curves in the most flattering way and her flawless, tan skin glows under the lights. My favorite part of that dress? Is the open V down her back, that emphases her mouthwatering ass. The dress covering most of her skin seems almost indecent on her as it reeks of sensuality and sin, attracting men who already send her interested glances. At the same time, her silver heels point out her dainty feet and bring attention to her graceful posture.
Her whiskey eyes are luminous on her face while her lips are painted red, making me crave to bite on the plump flesh until I draw blood and mark her for everyone to see. She’s always been beautiful, but right now, she’s straight from a fairy tale. She looks beautiful everyday but there’s something different tonight. Her eyes are shining as bright as the gold necklace on her neck. It fucks with my head how sometimes I forget that she’s sick. The woman has gotten so good at hiding and pretending that all is okay that for a second I think that it’s just a bad dream and that she’s healthy. That she doesn’t have to deal with a sickness on top of everything else. Fuck. We haven’t even talked about it and I don’t want to push her. Pushing this strong-willed woman is a big mistake. I want her to always feel safe enough with me so that she can tell me all that pains and troubles her.
“I didn’t know you could dance,” Kadra says after a long silence.
I pulled back and looked down at her. This close, our height difference is almost comical. Kadra is not short by any means but compared to me she looks so small that she fits perfectly in my arms. Holding her gaze, I grin. “I’m a man of many talents, baby. haven’t you noticed?” she rolls her eyes playfully at me. Fuck, her smile. Her smile could light up even the darkest night. There’s no need for the moon and all the stars in the sky when I have this woman who shines so brightly. She shines so beautifully.
“That you are, Vi. That you are.” she breathes out, her eyes twinkling.