Because of a kiss.
Because of him.
My heart has suffered a lot of damage.
Cracked? Yes.
Bruised? Yes.
Knotted? Yes.
Some days, barely breathing. Unfortunately.
But my heart beats.
It beats for them.
Chapter 29
“Now… I see the world through her lovely eyes.” — V
If there is something you should absolutely know about me is that I hate clowns. Okay, hate it’s too small of a world to describe my aversion to them.
No, I don’t find them funny. No, I do not find them cute.
And how come their entire careers are based on making people laugh yet they make most kids cry and grown adults afraid.
As Vitali leads me through the dark corridors of the creepy fun house, I pray no clown jumps out of the dark corners because I would hate to have to use my knife on them. Or maybe I wouldn’t hate it all that much.
“It’s kind of cute that you’re scared, love,” Vitali says at the same time the skulls hanging from the ceiling light up in various shades of red.
I whip my head around to meet his eyes, feeling extremely offended and low key annoyed that he thinks that. “I am not afraid.” I scoff. I’m not. I don’t fear the damn clowns, I just can’t stand being around them. I find them creepy as hell. They have painted on smiles and they still look depressed. Don’t even get me started on their wardrobe choices. Horrendous.
Vitali squeezes my hand tighter when I try to pull away.
“Now, now, settle down, kotyonok…” he gently pulls me closer to his chest until I’m pressed against his hard chest.
Narrowing my eyes, I growl playfully. “I really hate it when you patronize me.”
He rolls his eyes at me. “I do no such thing.” He smirks.
My lips twitch slightly.
Tonight, I got to see a different side of Vitali. He is fun and playful, and a total contrast to the Vitali I got to know in those few instances when I was a kid. I guess I really didn’t know him then. I just knew what he showed me. This man here, holding me close to his chest while looking at me as if I’m the best thing in his world, that’s the man only I get to see. The rest of the world gets the unfeeling and blood thirsty criminal with a penchant for mayhem. They’re fucked. Me? I’m… lucky. So very lucky.
“I like this.”
“What?” I tilt my head and look into those gray eyes that seem to soften every second he looks down at me.
He lowers his head and kisses the tip of my nose and I can’t help it. I melt in his arms. “How lovely you look when you melt for me.” He laughs when I roll my eyes. “Don’t get me wrong. I love your hard ass attitude and your smart mouth it gets me hard as fuck but your soft side drives me mad.” Thump. Thump. I resist the urge to touch my chest to calm my racing heart. “But you know what I love most?”
“What?” I whisper weakly. This man and his ability to make me soft for him.