Page 60 of Bastian

“President Kenton used his public presidential social media accounts to repost an article from the Washington Weekly column where…” Changing the channel, I tried another one but every TV station was talking about him.

Some even mention me.

Turning off the TV, I place my coffee mug on the kitchen counter. This crazy… egotistical tyrant has lost his goddamn mind. There’s no other explanation as to why he’s giving more publicity to news articles that make him look shady as hell. What kind of politician hoping to get re-elected acts this recklessly? A man with a God complex, that’s who. A man who, despite his shady business and reputation, was placed as the most powerful man in the country. Hell, one of the most powerful men in the world. There’s no doubt about that.

“What are you doing, Sebastian…?” I frown down at the paper next to my untouched breakfast. I think I’m one of the few who still reads the paper’s physical copy instead digitally. Today though, I wish I hadn’t read it at all. Picking it up, I read the headline: The President and his second chance romance? I roll my eyes at the cheesiness and absurdity of it all. No one couldn’t come up with a better headline. Then, to make matters worse, the paper used a photo of us in Paris from the night Sebastian took me to his hotel’s restaurant, where I flipped the paparazzi off very elegantly, if I must say.

It feels like ages ago, yet it was only three years. But the girl smirking at the camera with her hands around Sebastian feels like a stranger to me now.


That girl is you…

Ignoring the annoying voice in my head, I fold the paper, rise from the seat, and walk around the kitchen counter toward the trash can. Throwing the paper in the garbage where it belongs, I take a deep breath and gather my thoughts. I need to be on my A-game today. Because I’ll be in my rival’s territory, where he has the upper hand.

Ellaiza’s dinner is tonight. I’ll see my girl again. I’ll get to spend time with her and sadly with her father as well. He’s only using Ella to get me to comply. He is smart.

Brilliant and clever, but as long as I don’t fall for his shit, then he wins nothing.

His attempts to use her against me will be in vain.

Rage flashed through me, but I controlled it. I turned it to ice in my veins.

I’m no longer the twenty-one-year-old girl I once was. I’ve changed. I’m stronger, smarter, and most importantly no longer a child. Sebastian Kenton holds no power over me. I chant that last part like a mantra, hoping my mind doesn’t betray me like the last two times I’ve been in his presence. I refuse to let him get to me. Grabbing my purse and keys to my white Bentley, I exit my cold, perfect, and lifeless apartment. I’ve been living here for two years after staying with Quinne at her place, and I’ve yet to make friends with any of the other tenants.

It’s just me here.

Me and my ghosts.

Taking the elevator because I’m sure as hell not walking several flights of stairs in high heels, it drops me in the parking area. Aware of my surroundings, I hurry to my car and climb inside. It’s Saturday, and I took the day off to get some groceries and pick up something for Ellaiza. I can’t show up at her dinner empty-handed.

My mom taught me a lot of useless shit, but she got this right.


Turning the engine on, the car roars to life, and I immediately use the console to call the person who, at the moment, knows more about my Ella than me, and it stings. It burns that I need to call Benjamin so he can clue me in on what Ella is into these days.

It makes me angry all over again, not that I ever stopped being angry, but some days the anger is more intense. Like now.

Because it reminds me that I missed milestones that I won’t ever get back.

She’s a little person, and she has grown and evolved, and I wasn’t there.

Fucking Sebastian.

Putting the car on drive, I wait for Benjamin to pick up, and once he does, I’m already out of the parking lot and on my way to exit my building. “Kid.”

“I need your help.” I breathe.

“What’s wrong?” His tone is no longer friendly but alert.

“Nothing is wrong. I just need your help picking up a few things for Ellaiza.” I whisper.

Benjamin sighs relieved that nothing is wrong. Christ, I give thanks for him every day. How would life have turned out for me if he wasn’t there? I don’t ever want to find out. “The little lady is not your typical child.” He laughs, and I think to myself of course not. She’s gifted, unique, and out-of-this-world cute. There’s no one quite like her. Call me biased. I couldn’t care less. “At the moment she enjoys getting herself all dolled up, tea parties, and believe it or not, she enjoys fucking chess.” What child at that age enjoys that God-awful boring game?” Her father, that’s who. I think to myself.

Not much has changed since she was a baby. My girl enjoyed fancy dresses and sweet treats, but the chess thing is new. She’s older now and can actually understand the dynamic of the game, whereas before, she couldn’t. I bet Sebastian is thrilled to be able to play with his daughter.

Something in my chest moves, but I refuse to give it a second thought. Nope. Instead, I ask. “What else?”