Page 99 of Bastian

With teary eyes, I look up from the papers and meet her loving eyes. I look at my world. My girl. My best friend. “Forever, my baby.” I take her in my arms and squeeze the life out of her, peppering her face in kisses and soaking up the feel of her warmth as she giggles like a crazy person. “You have always been mine, Ellaiza Kenton. Always and forever.” She pulls back and looks at me with those puppy eyes, so much like her father. “Always and forever.” Ella smiles at me and then at her father. “You were right, daddy. Mom loved our present!” My girl kisses me on the cheek once more and then pulls back and goes to the ball of fur playing quietly on his dog bed.

Overwhelmed with emotions, I lean back on the sofa and stare at Sebastian. I have no words. No words to explain what this means to me. I never dreamed something like this would be possible. For him to share his daughter with me.

I release a deep breath that feels as if I’ve been holding it forever. For three long years. This changes everything. Every single thing because I won’t ever have to fear losing Ellaiza ever again. She’s mine. The moment I sign these papers, she will be legally mine too.

Staring at those intense blue-gray eyes, I search for answers because Sebastian’s eyes always tell me the secrets his mouth won’t.

We remain silent, just staring at one another, no longer on the opposite side of the world. How can we when a little love will always be between us? My darling girl.


I have lost the war.

But have you really? The little voice inside me whispers.

I haven’t.

Not really.

Yes, I have battle wounds, but, in the end, it all feels insignificant. So small.

Because look at all I’ve won.

My Ellaiza.

Clearing his throat, Sebastian looks me in the eyes. “You don’t trust me, and I understand that words do very little. Words are just words, but actions speak louder. So this is me proving to you that I’m in it for the long game. I am giving you not only my daughter but my heart.”

“I-I don’t know what to say.” That’s a first. I’m lost for words.

“You don’t have to say anything.” He hands me his handkerchief, and taking it, I wipe my eyes. Not caring that I am crying like an idiot in front of him.

Looking at Sebastian with tears in my eyes, I whisper, “Thank you.”

He smiles widely with gentle eyes. Always gentle. Always so sweet. This damn tyrant is making it difficult for me to fight this feeling. “You are most welcome, my love.”

My love.

My heart has no business freaking out every time this man calls me his love and tells me that I am beautiful, but somehow the organ in my chest has started beating back to life little by little since Sebastian reentered my world.

Yeah, I lost.

I’m gone for this man.

Here we go again.

While I contemplate all the ways my life has changed in the past week, Sebastian’s deep voice breaks through my mind, bringing me back to the now. “Mon Coeur?”

“Oui papa?” Ella responds while munching on a piece of chocolate cake. We really should stop giving this girl so much sugar.

“Tu aimerais passer la nuit chez maman?” Sebastian asks his daughter in perfect French if she would like to spend the night with me. “Wouldn’t that be fun?”

“Oui oui! J'aimerais bien, papa.” I am amazed by how well Ellaiza speaks French. Her pronunciation might not be as perfect as her father’s, but she’s getting there, and she is only six years old. I always knew she was special. So perfect. Ella’s big blue eyes search mine when she asks next. “Are you happy, mommy?”

I look at her and then at her father and take in their hopeful smiles, and I share with them one of my own.

A smile that doesn’t hurt.

One that comes easy when I am with them.