Page 66 of Bastian

Fucking Sebastian.

I should pick up the pointy knife and shove it deep into his hand. The same one that’s suspiciously close to my side of the table.

I can do this.

I can enjoy this dinner with my friend and my girl without having to spoil it by entertaining her father, but, as all egotistical tyrants do, he won’t allow being shoved aside and forgotten. No.

“This all looks exquisite, my heart. I bet mommy appreciates that you added her favorites to the menu.” I ignore how the way he says mommy makes both my chest and gut tighten with unexplored emotions. Looking at the table, instead of finding a five-course gourmet meal, I find every candy and junk food known to man. There are cheeseburgers, curly fries, and even chicken nuggets right in front of Benjamin. Ella and Shaw’s side looks as if a fried chicken place and a bakery exploded in a weird-as-hell combination. Fried chicken and sweets.

Then there’s my side.


A three-meat pizza, garlic bread, and a side plate of chocolate cake pops.

“You and daddy match.” Ellaiza teases, causing me to frown and look at Sebastian’s plate.

That god-awful abomination that he calls pizza.


“I see you still have no taste, whatsoever.” I blurt out, without realizing that the room has grown quiet.

Sebastian smiles and when he smiles like that so effortlessly, it tugs on a string tied to the deepest part of my gut.

“I beg to differ, darling.” He chuckles.

“Arianna.” My angry eyes leave Sebastian’s, whose eyes shine with victory, and level in on Benjamin, who’s sitting on my left. “Yes?”

Thankful for the distraction, I focus on him instead. “Have you met Shaw?” Benjamin motions to the big guy that’s standing next to Ella who is devouring her second cupcake since I’ve entered the room. Ellaiza is a vision of pink.

Pure sunshine, my girl.

The opposite of me.

I smile when I take in her cute face and how she has pink frosting all over her mouth and even part of her curly black hair. She sure does love her cupcakes.

My heart swells with the knowledge that at least that hasn’t changed.

“We’ve met.” Shaw’s disinterest has me on edge. What is his issue?

“The bodyguard.” I inject.

“Shaw Banning.” He introduces himself in a bored tone.

Surprise takes over my expression when I turn to Benjamin.

“Excuse my cousin’s lack of manners.”

“Nonsense, Benji. Shaw has all the manners!” Ella exclaims from her seat, still munching on what’s left of her pink frosted cupcake.

“Ellaiza. We’ve talked about this. No talking with your mouth full.” Sebastian interrupts, scolding his daughter gently but with so much affection in his tone.

“Sorry, dad.” Ella sasses with her mouth full at the same time rolling her eyes. I almost choke with laughter, knowing Sebastian has his work cut out with her. Good. Suffer, you big handsome lying ass.

“It’s daddy to you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” She dismisses him with a flip of her hand. Smiling, I think to myself how much I love her. How loving Ella has never hurt, nor has it ever made me feel unworthy like everyone else I’ve ever loved.