Then, while smiling, I look at the monitor that shows a grainy picture of Baby Kenton.
I can’t wait to meet you.
All the heartaches throughout my life led me here.
To this moment.
To my babies.
My family.
When the doctor finishes, she cleans me up, and I get dressed while my chaotic little family chooses a stuffed animal, where a tiny gadget with my baby’s heart sound will be placed for us to keep.
“Oh, it’s so pretty!” Ella smiles while hugging the stuffed animal she chose close to her chest.
A wolf.
A white fur wolf.
Fitting for this kid.
Finding Sebastian’s gaze, I smile knowingly at him because we both know.
We both know we have come home.
We made it to the shore.
Both of us.
“I’m no longer freezing…” — A
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” I murmur. Butterflies flutter like crazy in my stomach as I hold onto the President’s arms, in four-inch heels and a modest beige maternity dress, while he announces his plans for re-election. Sebastian, as always, looks incredible in a Dior suit with his signature politician smile and his charming personality in full mode as he regards the raging crowd howling and screaming his name and his campaign’s slogan.
It’s just us two tonight. Well, us and Benjamin, of course.
After our last disastrous event together, we decided to keep Ella out of the spotlight until she was older. For now, she will stay home with her team guarding her at all times.
We’re not risking her anymore.
Sebastian wanted to leave me behind too, but he lost that argument. There was no chance in hell I was going to miss the opportunity to stand by his side and show both his followers and enemies that we are one and that we are stronger together.
There’s no end to what we have.
A bullet sure as hell couldn’t.
Nothing, and no one will.
Sebastian pulls me closer to his body, and whispers in my ear. “How does it feel to know that you are the most beautiful First Lady in all history?”