Tonight, he decided it was the perfect night for us to go on a family date.
A family date that led him to close the Art & Tech House here in Washington.
It’s just the three of us.
“Oh, this is so awesome!” Ella lets go of my hand and runs toward the giant butterfly sculpture made of metal, and glass and that’s decorated with white and blue lights.
It is truly beautiful, and it makes me smile. It reminds me of a beautiful blond-haired girl who dressed as a blue butterfly one Halloween night.
My sister, Mila.
Nearing the giant sculpture, I snap a picture and save it to send to my sister later. I hope it makes her smile just like it did me.
“I didn’t know you liked butterflies, darling. If I had known I would have purchased a butterfly garden.” Sebastian says from where he is standing next to me watching Ellaiza pose next to the butterfly sculpture. Turning my head, I roll my eyes, acting exasperated when I’m really not. “You would do that, wouldn’t you, Sebastian?” I smile knowing that of course, the man would. Sebastian would find a way to purchase the whole state of Washington in a heartbeat, if that’s what I wanted. Because that is who he is. His love language consists of acting instead of using words and, of course, opening his wallet and spoiling us rotten. Not that I mind. Not at all. Although, his sweet words and selfless acts will always mean more to me than any material item.
I feel his strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. I watch in fascination as his eyes crinkle at the corners as he gives me a small smile. Then he leans in and grates the words so close to my mouth I can taste them. “I would buy you the world if you asked me to.” I believe him.
“I might take you up on that offer one day, Sebastian,” I whisper. And I would. As irrational as it sounds, I would love to watch this man, the man I love, move heaven and earth to make that happen for me. I truly believe if someone could make that happen, it would be Sebastian Kenton.
It would be my president.
My tyrant.
He snorts in amusement. “You do that.”
“Oh, my!” Ellaiza screeches, almost giving me a heart attack. Turning in Sebastian’s embrace, I look to where I last saw Ella with the butterfly sculpture to find that she’s gone. My frantic eyes search for her.
Where is she? My heart calms and my soul comes back to my body when I spot her tiny frame standing in front of… me.
A sculpture of me to be precise.
Gasping, I step away from Sebastian, too enthralled with the sculpture made of sea glass. “How…” I croak out.
“Now everyone can see what I see,” Sebastian whispers right in my ear as I feel his chest on my back. “Beauty. Elegance. Regality. You.”
“Mommy, see, I told you! You’re a queen! Look! Look!” My baby throws her hands in the air freaking out, while I try my damn best to hold the tears back. Damn, Baby Kenton, you’ve made me a crybaby.
“I see… my girl,” I whisper to Ella, giving her a small smile.
With Sebastian at my back, I look closely at the piece of art made of sea glass. A piece of art Sebastian commissioned and it’s now put on display for everyone to see.
It’s my head, my face, my usual bitch face captured perfectly while a crown sits on top of my head.
A crown.
Once, I was mocked for my title of principessa. It was even used against me to keep me in place. Voiceless and compliant. And now… now this man, who once was my enemy, is celebrating me. Celebrating who I was and who I have become.
This beautiful man believes that I am more than I really am. I don’t deserve a crown, or a title, yet Sebastian Kenton made me his queen.
A queen.
That’s how he sees me.
He sees me like the piece of art in front of me.
Taking in the plaque next to the sculpture, I notice the name of the artist. V.M. The mysterious artist that’s taken the world of art by storm is the creator of my piece.