Wiping his mouth with his napkin, he leans back in his chair, the shadows of the candlelight dancing on his face. Irresistibly gorgeous and the man knows it. With laughing eyes, he says. “I am obsessed with you.”
Rolling my eyes, I take another bite of the pizza. “Everyone is aware of that, Sebastian.”
He chuckles. “That is true.” He thinks about it for a while before his expression goes from soft to serious. “After my parents died, I didn’t fear death. In fact, at one point, I welcomed it.” My heart stops in my chest. He must’ve seen something in my eyes that make him soften. “That changed now.”
“You’re afraid of dying?” I place what remains of my pizza on the plate and take a sip of the iced tea suddenly feeling thirsty as hell.
“I am now, yes.” He smiles tenderly. “Once Ellaiza came into my life, I had a new purpose and a new outlook on life. It was not just me. I had to live for my child. Then you came along and now our baby. Therefore, yes, I am terrified of dying because I don’t ever want to be without you three.” He breathes out.
“You’re immortal, Sebastian.” I try to lighten the mood. My own heart is beating too damn fast inside of my chest just at the thought of Sebastian leaving us. “You came back to life twice. I wouldn’t worry about dying.”
He chuckles, then leans forward on the table and takes my hands in his. The instant our hands touch, I feel a shock of electricity. “How about you… what is something no one knows about you?”
I think about it for a second before I confess. “I am afraid of the dark,” I tell him, embarrassed, yet Sebastian doesn’t mock me. “I know it’s silly for a grown woman to be scared of the dark, but I am.” I shrug feeling a bit vulnerable. “When I was little, I used to sleep with a nightlight until my father found out and told me to grow the fuck up.” I laugh without humor.
Sebastian’s eyes grow dark. “If I could kill that motherfucker, I would. Trust me, I would. Perhaps, I should bring you back his hands. Maybe his tongue. Would you like that?”
Laughing, this time with my whole chest. “No. Not right now, but ask me another time.”
He smiles too and kisses both my hands. “You shine so brightly, darling. It shows in your eyes. Your smiles. It swirls around you, inside of you, no matter the darkness. You still shine.”
I blink, butterflies starting to swirl around in my tummy.
Same, baby. Same.
My life was colorless, dark, and cold until him.
Until Sebastian.
“I need to know something,” I say quietly.
“What?” he asks.
I swallow before I say, “Why the wolf?” I lift my chin towards his chest.
“I needed the reminder when the nights were dark.” His intense eyes. “Every time I felt like I was drowning with how much I missed you. Every time my heart ached because of what I did… I would look in the mirror, and see you in the wolf inked on my chest. Your eyes. Your beautiful emerald eyes.”
I feel tears well in my eyes.
“And the ink on your finger?” I croak out.
He smiles from ear to ear, releasing my hand and lifting his ring finger up for me to see. “I am yours. Always have been, even when I didn’t know of your existence. Even then.”
“Fuck, I love you.” I breathe out. “I love you so damn much, Sebastian. It’s not sane to love someone the way I love you.”
His hand disappears under the table, and then he’s holding a small box. He places a jewelry box next to my plate. Looking down at it, I ask. “More?” I shake my head at him. The man loves to spend money on us. If I didn’t know better, I would actually feel like his sugar baby.
“Open it.”
I do, and what I see has my heart-stopping.
A ring.
A silver band with tiny diamonds.
“I bought it in Paris, and I’ve been regretting not giving it to you every day since.” He takes the ring out of the box, takes my hand in his, and slips the ring onto my ring finger. “Before you sass me. You should know this is not an engagement ring.”
“It’s not?” I look up, my eyes clashing with his.