Page 142 of Bastian

And lastly, in the center of the room, there’s a small table with a tall white cake with an adorable teddy bear wearing a gold crown and holding onto the moon as the cake topper with a sign that read ‘Baby Kenton.’

What… this is so beautiful.

So sweet.

“How about it, kid? Do you approve?” Turning, I watch as Benjamin smiles proudly at me while holding his phone up, most likely capturing this moment just like he has captured all the important moments since I came to him. Amazed and left without words, my eyes move around, taking in everything they did, and then my eyes fall on Sebastian. Dressed impeccably as always, standing next to a tower of presents wrapped in gold, white and brown paper.

I didn’t think to throw a baby shower never crossed my mind since my only friends and family are standing right here in this room, and I can count them with one hand.

But if I had planned it, this would have been the theme I would have chosen.

They did this.

For me.

For Baby Kenton.

I smile when Ella lets go of my hand and makes a run to the cake table, where a dozen cupcakes are waiting for her. She’s in sugar heaven.

Cake pops, cupcakes, macaroons, and more.

She picks a cupcake and starts munching on it as if she didn’t stuff her face barely an hour ago.

“I…” I swallowed hard before successfully getting the words out. “I love it.” Smiling at Benjamin and then at Sebastian, I whisper. “So much.” I am touched that they did this for me. Three men and a baby girl went to all this trouble to celebrate me and my baby. Tears well in my eyes as I think of how lucky I am. How much life has gotten better in just a couple of months. How loved I am. Damn, hormones. The hormones and the baby have turned me soft.

Benjamin steps forward, kisses me on the forehead, and looks down at me with gentle eyes. “I’m so fuckin’ proud of you, kid.”

“Proud?” My brows furrowed. “I got knocked up, Benjamin.” I joke.

Laughing, he shakes his head at me. “Look at the family that you created for yourself. Look how far you’ve come, and fuck, look at that sweet smile.” He, too, smiles from ear to ear. A dimple shows on his cheek, giving him a boyish look. “Look at you, little fighter.”

That does it.

A tear falls from my eye, and I quickly wipe it away, feeling embarrassed. “I love you, Benjamin.” There, I said it, and it didn’t kill me.

“See? You finally said the words, and it didn’t kill you.” He jokes, reading my mind.

“Don’t push it…” I narrow my eyes with a small smile on my face. He laughs, lovingly pokes my nose, and walks away toward Ellaiza, who has her phone out and is most likely taking pictures for me to post on our joint social media account.

My little social media addict.

‘If You Love Her’ by Forest Blakk’s version with Meghan Trainor, starts to blast from the speakers. A second later I am being lifted by strong arms that I know so well and placed on top of black loafers.


“Hello, beautiful.” He smiles down at me as he sways us to the beat of the song.

“Well, hello, sneaky.” I teased. “You were busy today.”

Chuckling, he asks. “I take it that the tears in your eyes are because you like the surprise?”

“I love it,” I tell him truthfully.

He pulls me closer until our lips are only a breath away.“I love you.” He says fiercely.

My stomach flips when he says it, or maybe it’s the baby. “I love you more…” I breathe out.

“Impossible.” Happiness dances in his eyes.