Nurse Kim rolls her eyes and steps back. “Oh, what a sweet girl you are….” Ella rolls her eyes and puffs up her chest. “I know.” Ellaiza says, with all the confidence in the world.
Kim smiles, but it’s clear that it pains her. She bends down to pinch Ella’s cheek.
Ella slaps her hand away and frowns with annoyance. “You can go now.”
Good girl.
I can always count on my Ella to spook them away.
I snort not very elegantly, which makes Sebastian look my way, and his shocked expression turns soft before he says. “Thank you, nurse. I think that will be all for today.” He says coldly, without the warmth he reserves for Ella and me.
“Of course, Mr. President.” She says through gritted teeth while holding a sickly-sweet and fake smile all the way to the door. “Same time tomorrow?”
Sebastian grabs my hand and guides me to the couch while motioning for Ella to follow. Without looking away from us, he replies. “Someone will be in touch. Good day.” And that’s that. Yikes. I sometimes forget that this man is as rude as I am when he wants to be. Cold too. The only time I see him act genuine is when he is with the people he cares about. Everything else is forced kindness, fake, and downright mean.
Kim lifts her head, pulls her shoulders back, and turns, exiting the room while mumbling under her breath. Most likely cussing at us. Oh, how I love it when people don’t have the balls to say whatever they feel to my face.
“Ellaiza… you can’t treat people that way.” Sebastian sits down on the couch in between us.
“Why not? You do.” Ella smiles up at her father like the precious little diva she is, making me laugh.
“She has you there, Mr. President.” I mock while taking another sip of my tea. God, how I miss coffee. Another thing I had to sacrifice for this little tyrant, apart from wine and well… my figure. Sebastian turns his face and narrows his eyes at me, but there’s only mirth in his gaze. I stick my tongue out at him, and I enjoy how his eyes turn hot when I do. Then I start to feel hot all over when he gives me the look that tells me he’s hungry but not for the food down on the coffee table. No. Hungry for me.
It’s been a while since we’ve had sex. Since Greece and then with him acting like sleeping beauty, well… it’s safe to say that it’s been a long while.
“You know, Ellaiza, I think mommy’s jealous.”
“Oh, please. Jealous of her?” I laugh, but I can’t hide the fact that, yes, I am jealous. I am jealous of everyone that gets near him but he is too. I just hide it better while he is painfully obvious and does not care even a bit that he acts like a jealous fool. “Do not be ridiculous, Sebastian.”
“Yeah, daddy. Don’t be ridico—” Ella has trouble pronouncing the word, so I help. “Ridiculous.”
“That!” She smiles at me and then at her father. “Mommy is the prettiest in the whole world. She doesn’t feel jealous.”
Smiling proudly at my girl. “Thank you, baby.”
“You’re welcome, mommy.” She smiles and then leans back on the couch and continues typing on her phone.
“See! You bore her, Sebastian.” I grin when he roughly takes my chin between his fingers and steals a kiss. “Tyrant.” I breathe out when he breaks the kiss and looks down at me with a crooked grin and that damn dimple on his chin.
So hot and so handsome, my baby daddy. Sometimes, it’s annoying how perfect he is. It honestly should be a crime to be that perfect.
“Brat.” He leans forward, grabs a strawberry, and pops it in his mouth. He chews and grins. “I miss the taste of strawberries.” His eyes wrinkle at the corners as he smiles.
I blush.
I blush when I realize what he means when he says he misses the taste of strawberries.
He misses my taste.
“You’re so filthy, Sebastian,” I mumble, trying hard not to give away how hot he makes me feel. Hot all over, but especially between the thighs. Bastard. Perfect, beautiful bastard.
“And you love it.” His crooked smile makes my heart beat faster and causes my stomach to flip. “Just like I love how possessive of me you are. You’re so sexy when you’re jealous, baby. That does it for me.” he teases.
“Shut up,” I try hard not to laugh, but it’s almost impossible with this man.
“You’ve always been like this.”He mutters.
“Like what?”I ask.