Page 118 of Bastian

Holding my breath, I look back at the doctor when she clears her throat. “Miss Parisi, although your situation is not serious and you will, in no time, be released. I do recommend remaining calm and trying not to stress. It is not good for the baby.”


I swear a pin can be heard falling to the floor when the room grows silent. I can even hear my heart pounding and my ears ringing.

I look at the woman, confused and as if she has lost her mind. “Baby?”

Dr. Sexton nods with a big smile. “When you were brought to the ED, we had to run some blood tests quickly to determine the reason why you were slipping in and out of consciousness. At first, we thought the head wound caused some trauma, so I ordered more tests to make sure all was okay. The bloodwork and HCG showed you are indeed pregnant.”

Out of nowhere Benjamin laughs loudly, making me look up at him, still in a daze. “You are pregnant! That fucker will be out of his mind when he stops fucking around and wakes his old ass up.” I know Benjamin is talking, but it’s only background noise at this point.


Looking down at my stomach, covered by a hospital gown, I feel the urge to, once again, pass out.

A kid.

Another kid.

I didn’t lie when I told Ellaiza that she was more than enough.

I never gave children much thought since in the world I lived in back then, children were just pawns.

Who would want to bring a child to a world where they would know pain and hatred before they’re able to speak? Before they know what love feels like?

“Arianna.” A gentle hand touches my shoulder, bringing me back and away from deep in my head. Looking up at Benjamin I notice he looks worried. “Where did you go?”

“What?” I ask, confused as well.

“You zoned out for a moment there. The doctor wants to do an ultrasound to make sure everything is fine with the baby.”

“The baby...” I whisper.

“Yes, mommy.” He grins.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

I am pregnant.

I knew that damn trip to Greece was trouble…

“I know it’s a big shock…” Dr. Sexton speaks up.

A big shock?

She has no idea.

“Not even a week ago, I hated this man with everything in me, or so I convinced myself, and now I am pregnant with his spawn. If this isn’t a bad soap opera, I don’t know what is,” I grumble, sounding more annoyed than I feel. Dammit, I don’t know how I feel. So many emotions, thoughts, and things happening all at once.

Dr. Sexton smiles softly, not a trace of judgment in her expression. I remain silent while she exposes my flat belly, and spreads a clear and cold gel on my belly and pelvis area. “This won’t hurt. I just want to make sure all is right and how far along you are.” Can’t be much since I spread my legs for the devil weeks ago. I look towards Benjamin who is following all the movements the doctor does, while petting my head as if I were a dog. The only reason I let him is because, with all that is going on, the gesture gives me comfort.

Damn… girl, he put a baby in you before he put a diamond on your finger…kind of slutty of you. The little bitch of a devil on my shoulder cackles. You’re a baby momma.

I don’t believe in old traditions or any traditions for that matter, so the realization that I will be an unwed mother does not bother me at all. On the contrary, it gives me pleasure to know my mother would be so disappointed in me. The firstborn Parisi princess spread her legs for a man that is not her husband and is now carrying his child.

Submissive princesses do not do that.

Not in the world my mother lives in.