He was looking at me now, and a smile broke across his lips before he started laughing.
“What the hell is so funny?” I asked. He pointed to the stove. “Goddamn it!” I lifted the now burning creme anglaise off the burner and carried it to sink. “That was your fault. Just like the first time. Who does that? Who distracts someone like that?”
“I don’t get distracted, so I wouldn’t know what it’s like,” he said.
I glared at him, frustrated that I had to start all over but absolutely furious with myself that I had sort of, kind of, just proved him right. I didn’t know how long I could work with him. It made me feel like an inept idiot. I was about to open my mouth to lay into him about his arrogance, his nonchalance, and most importantly, about what he had said about me yesterday when a buzz in my pocket pulled my attention.
When I checked, it was from Joel.
Joel: How’s it going?
My cheeks flushed unexpectedly. I was prone to uncontrolled blushing, but this was getting to be too much. I read the text again. It was simple and straight forward, but I didn’t know if he was asking about me personally or the bakery or Jared. What was wrong with me that I was so inept at reading subtext.
Jenna: Meh
Joel: That’s good? What are you up to?
I almost laughed out loud before I stifled it. Maybe I wasn’t the only one terrible at understanding texts. Who thought meh was good?
Jenna: Just cooking. With your brother.
Joel: Yikes. I don’t envy you. I’m planning on stopping by in a bit to cook you that foie gras that I promised. Try not to kill each other before I get there.
Jenna: I will do my best, but I make no promises.
Joel: I guess I can help hide the body if it comes to that.
I laughed again. Was I flirting? With Joel? Why? Maybe it was because he was being nice to me. That would be a pretty lame reason.
“What is making you grin like that?” Jared asked, sidling up next to me at the sink. I pressed my phone to my chest, so he couldn’t see.
“Nothing,” I said, my face blushing.
“Come on. What is it?” he asked.
And in that moment, I didn’t know why I was keeping it a secret.
“If you must know, I am texting with your brother,” I said, with a smug grin to match his own.
His face fell, filling with a dark expression that took me by surprise. “Why?”
“I don’t know. He was just asking me how I’m doing. He is very polite, unlike you,” I said, not sure why I added that last part.
Jared’s mouth formed a thin line and the muscles in his jaw tensed. “How was dinner?”
“It was really nice,” I said. I guess I enjoyed watching the veins in his neck and forehead pop just a little.
“Of course it was. Listen, Jenna. Don’t. Just stay away from him. I know he comes off as nice, but he isn’t.”
I snorted a laugh. “I’m sure he says the same about you. At least he isn’t using me. He seems to respect my position as your consultant.”
“Now you two are on the same side?” He looked genuinely hurt.
“This is a competition, Jared. Or did you forget?”
“I guess I was under the impression that this was a friendly competition,” he said before turning and heading for the walk-in, leaving me with my mouth hanging open.
“Shit,” I whispered. Why the hell did I feel guilty? I shouldn’t feel guilty for talking to his brother or trying to win the competition. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. He was overreacting. At least that’s what I was telling myself. And you know what? I planned to tell him that too.