He nodded. “I know you hate me. And I don’t blame you. You have every right to hate me. I was a dick. I treated you like shit because I didn’t know how else to get your attention, and I knew that you were way too cool for me. You have always been the most amazing woman I have ever known. You are unique and surprising and weird and creative and funny, and I am only ever happy when you are nearby.
“I was there the night your painting was ruined. I think Aubrey suspected all along that I was in love with you. She hated you because of me. My biggest regret is ever dating her, but once again, I let other people’s expectations dictate my behavior. I dated her because I thought my dad would appreciate it. I thought the other kids at school expected me to. Who turns down the most popular girl without good reason? It was really stupid. But she was jealous. She wanted to win the contest even though she had no interest in pursuing art.
“She planned to sabotage your photo with the spray bleach. When I tried to grab it from her, it accidentally splashed all over your submissions. I have regretted it ever since, but I couldn’t say anything, or you would have hated me even more than you already did.
“Please don’t let your vision, talent and dreams go because of what happened four years ago. You don’t ever have to talk to me again, but please, take a chance on yourself,” he said with tears glistening in his eyes. I didn’t think Jay was capable of crying. “This is Charles Wagner.” Jay walked us to an older gentleman wearing a tailored suit. “He is a curator for an art dealership in New York. When I sent him your work, he was very interested. You two should talk.”
Then he walked away as my brain tried to catch up.
“Catherine,” Charles Wagner said, holding out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I love your work.”
“Thank you,” I said, numb and confused, unsure how to even respond.
“You have a unique perspective that I think would fit in well with our gallery,” he said. Holy shit, was this really happening? Wait, where was Jay going? I thought. It was a stupid thought, but I was slowly catching up to everything that Jay had said. He hadn’t sabotaged my photographs. I believed him. He had always been in love with me.
“That would be amazing,” I said, “but can you just excuse me for one minute?”
“I…um…” I didn’t let him finish his thought before I hurried out of the gallery into the main party. The band played “Last Christmas,” as people danced, ate, drank and mingled. I couldn’t see Jay anywhere. I had to find him. I couldn’t wait another second without telling him how I felt. Tears fell down my face.
“Cat, you okay?” Jenna asked, grabbing my shoulders.
“Have you seen Jay? I have to find him,” I said.
“What’s going on?” She asked.
“I’ve been so stupid. I just have to talk to him,” I said.
“I thought he was leaving,” she said. I pulled from her grip and ran for the door, my heels threatening to break my neck. I pushed open the door. The street was empty save for a lone figure walking the middle of the cobble stones, hands in pocket, head dipped down in the spotlight of the full moon and the twinkling Christmas lights.
“Jay,” I shouted. He paused and turned. I ran for him, my heel catching on one of the cobble stones, spilling me forward. Before I hit the ground, his thick arms caught me.
“What’s going on? Why aren’t you talking to the curator?” He asked.
“I will. I just…” Now that I was there, wrapped in his warm embrace, looking up into his stony, but sincere face, I had no idea what to say. I swallowed hard. “I…I’ve been so stupid. I just, I’ve spent my whole life trying to find my place, and I guess I never realized that it was here all along. I should have known sooner.” Before I could finish my thought, his lips were pressed to mine.
“It’s okay, Kitty Cat. I know,” he said. I grabbed the collar of his coat, pulled him close and kissed him hard.
I woke on Christmas morning with Jay’s arm draped over my stomach and the length of my back pressed tightly against his body. I couldn’t help but smile. Holy Shit, this is real, I thought to myself, and I couldn’t be happier.
After finding Jay, he had texted the art dealer that we would discuss the details of an acquisition of my pieces in the morning before he took me back home for probably the greatest night of my life. I didn’t know for certain what my future held, but I knew it didn’t involve psychology. Jay had convinced me, and conveniently set up the means, for me to not give up on my dream. He and Jenna had been right though. I should have been pursuing it all along regardless of the contest.
Still, I couldn’t wait to dig out my camera and start taking pictures again. I hoped that my paper was good enough to afford me a passing grade and a degree, so all that time wasn’t wasted, but my real plan was to sell photos in the shop and maybe set up my own gallery.
“Morning.” Jay’s voice reverberated through my body, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Morning,” I said, remembering the awkwardness of the last time we had woken up together. This time I just felt butterflies in my stomach. “I can’t believe this happened.”
“It’s all I ever wanted,” he said. I took slow deep breaths, so I didn’t get overly emotional while lying in my small twin sized bed with Jay, our bodies pressed impossibly close.
“I decided I’m not going back to school,” I said. “I’m staying here. You’ve been right all along.”
“I know,” he said.
“So humble,” I said. “I’m gonna dip into savings and get an apartment as I try to get this photography thing up off the ground. I could open a studio, do portraits and weddings and sell my prints. I’m pretty excited.”
“You don’t need to dip into your savings.”